Illustration Catalogue (with biographical notes of the artists) : Queensland National Art Gallery (Brisbane) 1908

24 OIL PAlNTJNGS. 81. Landscape. Patrick Nasmyt h. 13-0rn 1786, died 1S31. The ortist was born in Edinburgh, son of Alexander Na$myth, :i.n artist a.od n, s uccessful teacher. ))atrick wM enlled t he J, nglish Hobl>ema, and his works are now mueh esteemed by collectors. Manr of them rejmiscut Scotch land,cape. This picture was forioerly tho property or the late }fon. \VilJiam \ Vilson, M.1.. 0.,_ of P ilion, Darling Downs, Queensbnd. Presented by his son, W. G. Wilson. Pictures &cquwthcd liy the l<tic .llonour«Uc 'J'. <lC .lf. 1l/1('1"1"'<€!J•P,·t0r. 32. An Archery j\ 1 fatch . Abraham Tenier~. Boro 1615. 'l'he yo11ni:e1· brother of Da vid Tcniers, the i:reater ptlinter or tha~ name, :i.nd son or David 'feniers the elder. Ho painted $imihu- $Object,::; to his brother, but in an inferi<>r manner, mostly scenes at ious nnd in terior~. 33. The H,wen ot J{efoge. Al'list unknown. a1. l\1iracu!ous D ral't of :f ishes. H. Breenbe rg . Horn lGZO, died lGG:l. ::,'.l'he Mtistf.was born at Utrecht.~His best t)icture is t.lrnt of .: .Joseph seHing Bread during the ll'amioe i n._J•~ypt.,'' in the Dresdi:n G:\l1ery. He often enlivened his Jand~cape3 with g•·oups– o f figure~, illustrative o f Sc1'iptm·~, mythology. or Boccaeeio. !35. The Holy Family. Artist unlrnown. 3G. i\1adonna and Cbi ld, encircled~by Roses . D. ::leghel's. ~Orl'I 1590, died 1G61. '.l'he,, an eminent Ar.wt>r painter, was born :\t Antwerp, brothel' of Gerard Seghcrs, t.he hi~torical paint ei·. He used colours which may be called f:ldeless. No red roses ond\lre like his. He usually painted garlands around the pictures of othet· masters. 'this he did for Rubt>n~,- Cornc1io~. Scln1t, D iepe11 beck, :md <.luellinus. His flowers wcro US\lally highly finished, although at times they resemble decorative p~inting. His work bec,me $0 popular that he could not execute all his comrni~sions. Examples o[ it may be seen in· most Europet'ln g;:lllel'ies. 87. l)'[ado1wa and Child, and Garh,nd oE Flowe rs . D . Seghers. Born 1;;,o, died 1661. 38. Fmit. David de Reem. Born J.GOO, died 1Gi4. The artist wns born in Utrecht. Ho wa~ tho best painter of flowers and fruit of the school to which he bolonr:ed. Be 3lso excelled in t~presenting gl3ss, crystal, and mct:11. His:. works, are very \lalunble. 1 I'be two fine$t paintings of this ar tist are in Berlin, :\nd Vienna,.