Illustration Catalogue (with biographical notes of the artists) : Queensland National Art Gallery (Brisbane) 1908

OIL PAJNTlNG$. 25 :80. '£he n:fado1.llla. Artist unkuown. Presented by Stanley Hill, Esq. 40. ~ St. :John. Artist unknown. P resented by Stanley Hill, Esq. r 41. '.l'he Deserted Consta1na,. ' . Angelica Kauffman, u..,\. l'resented by Sir Ja.ioes R. Dickson, . C. Born 1742, died 1S0S. Mari" Angelica Kauffman. daughter of Jose1\h Kauffman, was born at Chur, in the Grisons. She received her first)instruction from he,· father, who was also ao al'tist-. While still young, she was takeu to l'arii,::, where ~he had good opportnnitie$ for study. Sbe was "ery much admired for he,· beauty and musical talents, as;well as fo1· her pictures, which were always in great demand. She went to England, where she had a most flattering reception and constant employment,, and was made " member of the Royal Academy. She rc,urned to Rome, where she died. Her first pictores were portr:>its, and, later in life, historical subjects. COPIES. 42. Her Majesty Queen Victoria. Painted by K &Iii (after De A1(geli). 'l'he original of this was painted in lSSo, with s pecial reference to the jubilee of Her Majesty, This copy was secured by Sir Anthony Musgrave for the Queensland Government. 43. Crossing t he Brook. By \V, G, Wilson (after Turner). This picture was presented by the artist. The subject is taken from the Cornish side of the River Tamar. In the near foreground ate tbo Devon Consols Copper Mine,. 'l'hen theold bridge on the 1':wistock road, and Calstock Church on the ridge above. To the right is Coteel, the dower-house of the Mount Edgecomb<l$. '£he river can be followed to where it merges into the Hnmoes and on to Plymouth Sound and the Mew Rock. 'l'be origirrnl picture is in the National Gallery, London. 44. '.l'he Pilgrim. A(ter Alexis Grimonx . Born lGSO. Died 1740. Grimonx was born in F riburg, Switzer• land. The original pictur~ is in the Pitti Palace, Florence.