Illustration Catalogue (with biographical notes of the artists) : Queensland National Art Gallery (Brisbane) 1908

26 OIL PAINTINGS. 45. Be.tta Beatrix. ]3y Paul (after Gabriel Charles Dante Rosetti). Rosetti was born l S2S. died 1882. He was the eldest son of Gabriel Rosetti. an Italian poet, and a political refugee. He begun his art training in the stud io of ~fr. Cary, in l31oomsbury; and later was admitted as a student in the antiquo school of the ll-0yal Academy. He ne,·er passed iot-0 the life school. fo 1848 he was one of a sm.ill band of E ngli$h 01·lists, whoso taste had been larg~ly influenced by an eothusiastic study of t he early masters. These associated under the nomo of the Pro-l(aphaelite Brotherhood . Rosetti also distinguished himself in ,he 6eld of literature. The subject of Beota Be:1trix is taken from the Vi~• Nuova. It sbo""s 13eatrice clad in a plum-coloured robe and bright green super-tunic, si~ting in a balcony, ou the p,rapet of which is :t sundia.1. Her eyes arc olo$ed as though in a. trance. Her hands rest on her bp, towards which a bird of red plumage !lies, bearing a poppy, tbc symbol of death . lo the middle distance to the right is seen the figure of Dante; on the left that of Lo,,e red robed, p,u;sing through a s treet io FlMence. Beyond is a bridge crossing the Arno. The original of this picture is in the Tate Gallery, London. 46. '.!'he Holy Family. After Andrea Del $art<>. Born 14~7, died 1531. He wru, called Del S»rto, b•cause his father was a tailor. His real name was Andrea Vanuechi. Re w•s a pupil of Pietro di Cosimo, but was much influenced by tbe work of l<'r" Bartolommeo. His best wo,·ks are frescoes. The original of this paint ing is in the Pitti P•lace, l!'Jorence. 47. The Angel of the Ann1mciation. After Carlo Dolci. Born 1616, died LGSG. Carlo :Oolci was born in Jflorence. He excelled in painting Madonnas and saints. These he painted with great delicacy ond grace. The original of this picture is in the Academia Belle ArU in Florence. 48. Adoration of the Angels. After Gerard lionthorst, Born 1592, died 1662. Houthotst wos born at Utrecht. A pupil of Abraham Bloema~rt. He went to R-Ome, and acquired the manner of C:Lravoggio. He is often known , s Ghcl'ardo dalle Notti, on account of his fondness for pinting night scenes. The origin.I of this picture is in tho Uffizi in Florence.