Illustration Catalogue (with biographical notes of the artists) : Queensland National Art Gallery (Brisbane) 1908

OIL PAINTINGS. 49. The 1'ragic News (Portrait of i\frs. Siddons) . .A.(ter S ir 'fhoma.s Ln.wrence. Copied and presented by W. G. Wilson. 27 Born 17(;9, died 1830. Sir Thomas wns born in Bristol. He sketched in chalk~ when little tnore than :\ baby, and was a 1x,inter in crayons at O, fo,d :tt the »ge of 10 ; he painted in oilij at the age of s~veuteen, a-nd at the i:ige of twent.y-two. although below the age te<1uired hy law, he was made nn Associate of the Royal Acndo,ny. At the death of Si,· .Joshua R eynoldlf, he W!\S ap pointc<1 painter to the l(it)g . SirTho1nas Lawrence wn.8: t lected .a. fu11 R•ya l Academician in 17~4.~ was knighted in 1$15, and became P.-esident of tho Royal Academy in 1$20: H is earlier wQrks are the host He bec..,me sn much the fashion that he w:-s forced t<> found a school, 3nd many of tho. pictures caHOO his were 1>aintcd in a la~e degree by others. His J)Ort raits of womeo and children ftre be tter than his men. 50. Laugl1iug Boy. ,\ fter Murillo. Copied and presented by W . G. Wilson. Born 1617, died 16SZ. Bartolon,6 Estc,•nn Mmillo W :\$ born at Sevi.lle. He studied under .Juan d i Castillo. He then painted under Vel asquez>s super\'isioo. ~!nrillo nO\'er le ft Spain or saw any antique models, therefore his work is purely Sp,inish. lt m:.y be classed unde.– three beadings. T he early work (lrio) cold . Most of his beggar children, J>eM;an ts, nnd subjects from common lifo were painted at this early stage. '£he second (ealido) warm, and his Inst stage {vaporoso) va poury. Both these later periods were devoted to religion• subject,i. To the last s tago belongs the beaut iful .-tmosphcric c!Tec.ts in which thed istinctness of the outline is Jost 0 1· shaded off as in nature. Murillo d ied from the result of a foll from a scaffold while painting the pictureof t he Mill"rial(e of St. Catherino in a COnvent, which is now ,t he hmspital at Cadi?:, The original ol t his 1iictnre is in t he National Gallery, London. 51. Ecce Homo. Alter Guercioo {l!'raucesco Barbieri). '' Behold ,\nd see i£ there bo n,ny sorrow like unto my sorrow. " Painted and presented by ,J. Sydney Hay. Ho.-n 1590, died 166G. Guercino, ,o called frol)} having " squint. f-fis real namo was Gio Francesco Barbieri. He was born at Couto, neat .Bolog1)~t.. He may bo said to havo been largely self-taught. H e was foithfol to nat ure, and his woi·ks are life1i ke and brilliant in colour_, but somet imes heavy in the shadows o( the flesh. His earlier works havo n power whicb he nft.erward$ lost, and his l ater $t.yle i:s e ffeminate and sha llow. B i$ greatest work is St l'ctrvnill:. in the Capitol, Rome.