Illustration Catalogue (with biographical notes of the artists) : Queensland National Art Gallery (Brisbane) 1908

• ,:;2. Landscape. Aftel' H.. \Vil$Oll, ll. A. C~1>ied nnd 1>resen ted by W. G . W ilsoll . Born 17H. died 178:/. Richnl'd Wilson was :. Welshman, born nt– Penegoe~, in )fontgomcrr~l, ire, where h i$ father held the li\'ing. l(e– bcgan his :::turlie::; m 172!1 under 1'homa~ \Vright, :\.portra it pnintor. lle– p:l.i ntcd l5e,·er:\l po rt rai~ or tho JloyaJ family. In 17·IO \ Vilson weut to It.aly, and <·xcited t he l'\drniration C\f Ji'rn.nce$:co Quce:.\reHi, who nd\'iscd h im t<> t.ako to land~c :1.pc p:\inting. \Vilson wa~ one of tho first members or thB Roynl Ae0<lemy who were nomiunted by George n r. at i ts institu– tion in 170S. At the cleath of l•' mncis Hayman be obtained the post of tibr:-ri:rn to the "Royal Ac!\demy. • 53. D:lnro. After 'fiti:m. noi·n 1•177, died 15W. T itian ':~ re~I name wns Ti:daoo Vecellio, c.i llcd Da Cndm·e. Hu was born i n the Cnstlc of Cndor<', in Friul i. H e– ,w,s: a pupil fi rst or ::;ebMl..inn Zuccati, t.hen or Gentile and (-;iovann i Bellini; but i t was not till he saw the work of GiorgioM that he realised ,,·hat paint ing might become, and from this t ime he followed t he lead ings or hi!C own n-spiring genius. At Giorgionc,'s death he succeeded him in his ilnport:lnt commissions. He w!ls a. g reat friend of Ariosto; ho painted his portrait:, and t ho JJ-OCt introduced him into hiti "Orl:rndo Furioso." T itinn's chef cl/fl•tuwc i.:; the "Assmuption o f the V i rginu in 'Venice. He d ied of tho plagne. Al though those who died of this disease were not a11ow(;d the honours of burial, an exeeption was made in the c.:'\:;e o( T itian, and his rerr,ains were deposited in t.he CJn irch of the F rari. 'l'bis copy, nl t hough showing the design of t he orig inal, is unsatis– factory in represen ting the.wonderful colouring of Titian. The o riginal is in tho museum in Naple~.