Illustration Catalogue (with biographical notes of the artists) : Queensland National Art Gallery (Brisbane) 1908

30 W A'J'l<:R COLOURS 5'7. '.l.'he Leg itimate Drama. '..l'. W. Couldery. Presented by W. JI. Couldery. 'l'. W. Couldery W:1$ best known as :i black and white ar tist Ho worked for the C,'>·ap/dc and Jl(ust,•aicd J..,ornlon .Neu:.t, :\nd was :\ constant exhibit-or at the Royal Ac:ldcmy. " 'rho Legitimate Drama ,, was exhibited in the !loyal Institute of \Vatcr Colours, tho Paris Salon, Li\'erpool, !\nd ot.her pro\'incinl Exhibit.ions. It was awarded a s ilv<;t· med•I a t the Crystal Palace. No. 57.- Tbe Legltima,t-c Drama. T. \V. Could~ry. 5 . 1'ear Southport, Te Anau, New Zealand . J . Peerless . 'Presented by .John Cameron, f:sq., of Ormiston. 59. "\\Then Lengtheniug Sharlows Fall. E. Colclough. F.. Colclough id- ;1 native of Urisbane. For some yeats hon. :;.ecre– tary of the Queensland Art Society and the New Society of Artist-s.