Illustration Catalogue (with biographical notes of the artists) : Queensland National Art Gallery (Brisbane) 1908

WATF:R COLOURS. ;31 60. Moo rish G-atewav. • F . A. Bossuet. Presented by tho ~J isses ~lontifioro in memory of ::.heir father, who was one of the founders and pl'esident of the NatioMl Al't Gallery of New South Wales. F. Bossuet, a Belgian artist of renown. Professor of the R.oral ,\cadcrny of l3n1sscls. Comm:tndel' of the Order of Leopold ol Belgium. lit% w:.1$ p:nt!Cuhlrly noted for his perspective. Gl. ALtstralian Birds. Nevil le Caley. Presented by ~Ir,:,;.. J. CO\\'lishaw. 62. A Homestead. D,wid Cox. Born 17S3, died 1$.)9. DMid Cox was born at Deritcm, neat' 13irmingham. His fathcl' was a blacksmith. He l>esan ,,. a locket and miniature pninter \mdea· a man namcrl }'ielder. He then got emplvymeut of gl'inding colour.a: for a tccne· . Cox soon l,cg:rn to J)l\int river scene~. In lSOS he co1mncncecl his cnreer as a. landscape paitlter in water colours. J:le 1>ublished sc,·<.:ral educational books on laodscapc painting and illustrtitcd them with etchings. Cox pitintcd with :i foll brush. d isreg:\rd ing small det:\ils in order to obtain g reater breadth and b1·illi:tncy of effect. He l>elonged to wh•t has been called the fa iihful school of hrndscupe painting, and hew,$ ,t the head of if; with Girton, Oonst•blc, an(! I)~ Wint. ffo became ,, mem1Jc,. of tho Hoyal Society of l'aintets i11 Wate,· Colours in 1SL3. 63. '.l.'wilight. ; Henri 'l'i bbitt. 64. 'r he Valley Farm. R. A.. K. :Mardhall.