Illustration Catalogue (with biographical notes of the artists) : Queensland National Art Gallery (Brisbane) 1908

BLACK AND WHITE. (j(j , Dr. Channing (Ci1:1lk J)ra.wing). J . Gnmbadella. 'l'his is an 01 iginnl d1'nwing n1:,de for r eproduction in .:\ s.teel cnsr:\\'ing. G7 . Kent Il,itch, '\Yestcrhani. B. l\fcrvin l\ facartn.ey. Prcwnted l>y G. H . , I. Add ison, J,sq. Exhibited iu the n oyn l Academy, 18$3. This pictnr<' 18 one o f t he es-rly wc>rk~ of lhis pen :1nd ink :\rtist. It r ec<::ived very good notices fron-1 tho l >r('s:-: 1 :mcl was reproduced either in whole or in p~,rts in ma.ny of the ilht$tr:\.tcd papC'irti. .E. l\len io ~J acartn<.>y now fa\kes n lending place amongst artists and ar t critics-. GS. A Xormnn Porcli. G. H . l\I. Ad<lisou. P,·escn t,d l>y the Artis\. Exhi bit ed in the Jtoy~l .Academy in l ::t.1. Tids viclm'o recch·cd Hattering notices irom the E,1gH~h l>rcs.."l. G. H. l\L Addison wns then in Adebid e~ :\nd i t is note,,·orthy t h:,t this pictm·e w ~\.S the fi rs t to be hung in the Royal .-\cademy ~ddr•s.~etl from Adelaide. G. H. i\1. Addison was a s~udent for architeetm·c at tho R oyal AeaMmy Schools. No. 6S.- A Norman P orch. G. H. M. Addison.