Illustration Catalogue (with biographical notes of the artists) : Queensland National Art Gallery (Brisbane) 1908

34 BLACK A~:0 WHlTI, . 69. Her F irst Love. H erbert Dicksee. !'resented by ~he Brisbane Sketch ing Club. Llerbc.-t Dicksee recei\'ed his art educa~ion at t he Slade School, under Professor Lrgros. Ife was awa,·ded a Slade Scholarshi1> and prize~ for d rawing ~•·om the antique and Ji fo. Herbel't Dicksec: has be.en most s:uccc~ful as an etchel·, :rnd almost confines his wol'k to this br>nch of his art Ho s ucceeded his father as art teacher at the City ol London School. ),/o, G9.- Her First Lo,·e. Herbert Dickscc. 70. Sampson. Aftf r i\lichael Angelo. 71. :River Deity. 72. The Dream o~"Michael Angelo. 7:3. Group wi th Silenu~. 74. Children's H cads. i:3. :Plight of .T:icob. 7 (i. ,\ Ruin. 77. Assumption of the Virgin. 7~. Shepherds iu Arcadia. 79. i\'.far.iue Subject. SO. Ship Building. After .J. ~lortimer. lhrtoiozzi . Sal"ator lfosa. Van Steen. Stoutman. S. Della Bella. S. Della Holla. S. Della Bella. S. M:. Mitelei:ff. /:i. ])~. R:wenet. S. Dell a Bella. S. Della Bella.