Illustration Catalogue (with biographical notes of the artists) : Queensland National Art Gallery (Brisbane) 1908

BLACK AXO WJ-tl'l'E. 81. Aurora C()ptuelus Afte1· A. C.\rracci. 82. Triumph of Bac()hu:,; and Ariadue. 83. :Marine Subject. 8•1<. Loading a. Ship. 85. Design for bas relief on a Vase. !~:} 1\fassacrc of the Innocents. . i\fcer R a1>hael. SS. ~Ia,r ine Subject 89. 'l ' he Lord of the Viucyard. Afcer Rembmnrlt. 90. Sacrifice of the King of Edo111's Son. After Rubens. 9 l. 'l'he 'rribu te 1\:Loney. Titian. 92. Jupiter and Alcemene. Aft<,r Julio lw mnno. 93. The l\'ativity. 94. Bacchus. 95. Jewish Cemetery. L\ftc-,· Huysda•I. 96. January. After Paul llril. 97. Marquis Guasto and .his M istress. After T itian. 98. St. Francis of Assisi. After Guercino. 35 C r• . . vCSlO . C. Cesio. S. Della, Bella. S. Delhi J3ella. Pirnuesi. S. Vou illemen t. S. Dell :1 BelJ:1. '\V. Pethur. S. Vostermaun. 1\1:ar t in ltuota. N . 'rardien Castiglione. 1\L Hemskerk. A. Hlotelingh. G-. Sadler. N:1talis. Bnrtolozzi.