Illustration Catalogue (with biographical notes of the artists) : Queensland National Art Gallery (Brisbane) 1908

:JG BLACJ, ANJ) WHITE. 99. -1\ l'cmpest . Ch:ttel ain. After '.\f. Ried. \V. Hogarth. l 00. Aunlytical Doctors. 101. Castle G-mndolfo. Vivares and Cha telain. . \f(er lt. 13ol•gncsc . 102. D e:1tli of C:1ptain Cook. J3,irtolo1.r.i. :\fter .J. Webber. 10:J. Genius of Salvator Hosa. Salva to r Rosa. I0•l•, ]3:\Ldc Sceuc>. 0. Cor t. .\fter Ha1>hacl . 10S. ;)fa.v, .Ju ne, .}uly, .\ ngust. Luca~ v:rn .Leyden. 100. Crucifix ion of Polycraies. l07. The Four Elements . After Albani. l 08. St. J<'rancis recei,·ing Jmpression of the F i,·c \\' oimd~. 109. Sts. Roch and N'ichobs .Pniyiug for the .Plague Stricken . 110. The fiocie1,y fo r the Encou r:1 gemcnt of Arts. ll l.. Sacrifice of J saac. 11.2. .J udgment of Paris. After R~phael. 113. Call of St. i\fatihew. :\lte1· L. Canacci. 11 J,, A n As trologer. After )faggiotto. 115. Orpheus Instructing Savage People. 116. Madonna, Christ, aud St. Johu. After Carracci. Salvator Rosa. )faria Cosway. A . Carracci. P. 'l'est;a. ,J. Barry. P. '.L'esta. Raimond i. Rosaspina. Gio. Volpat;o. Po~cia.