Illustration Catalogue (with biographical notes of the artists) : Queensland National Art Gallery (Brisbane) 1908

38 BLACK AND W8ITE. Pictu,·e• prcstntc;d by E. T. B. Jl1,tchiwn, E,q. 133. Bat tle of Ascalon. .134. Soldiers of Lhe Cross. 135. 1\foses a,nd Aaron before .Pharaoh. 13G. 13razen Serpent. 137. Ecce Homo. 188. House of C:ii:iphns. 139. Triumph of Christianity. 140. Opening oE the First ()ommonwealth Par– liament of Australia on 9th May, 1900, by H.RH. the Duke oE York. Gust,we Dor e. Gustave Dore. Gusta,·e Doro. Gustave Doro. Gustave Dore. Gustave Dore. Gustave Dore. Tom Roberts. The o rig in:\) pict ure was p,,inted o n commission from a.number o f sub~cribers, aud was presented to His ;\fajesty the King. Tt contains the portraits of :;\. lnrge number of t.he prominent 1nen of Au$tr:ilfo. Tom Robnts is a nnti"e or Victoria. He received his art training nt the Royal Academy School•, London, after which he returned to AustraliA. 141. Banquet to the Duke of \N elling ton after '\Yaterloo. Presented by ;\Irs. Waugh. William Salte r.