Illustration Catalogue (with biographical notes of the artists) : Queensland National Art Gallery (Brisbane) 1908

STATUARY . ' 142. Chal'!es Stuart }foio, Justice of the Supreme Court of Q,ueenshuid. Presented by ~11'$. ~lein. 143. }Ier iUajesty Queen Alex:rncl1·a. R. Romanell i. -;\'fa.rshall Woocl. 13equeathed by the late S ir ,\rthur P.lmer, 1',C,,,.c. 144. His M:ajesLy .Kiog Edward VH. :OI:,rshall i\T ood. 13equenthed by the bte Sir Arthur Pnlmer, K.c.,1.c. 145. Her i\lajesty Queen Victoria. Presented by 'fhomos ~•(ills, J,;sq., of ChMte1·s Towers. 146. Esther. H arold P,\rker. Harold P:irker i$ a not iv~ of Brisbane. He commenced his art training at the Hriebane Te<:hnical College. Ho then went to England , and worked under •r. ]3rock, n..\., and other prominent sculptors. He is a constant exhi bitor M the Royal Academy. This head wa s exhibited at the Royal Academy. In l!)OS the trustee:< of the Chan try Beque,it purch:lsed l (arold --Parker's st-ntue. of tr Arindne, i> and it is now in the Tate Gallery {National Gallery or British Art). ~o. l·IG.-Esther. J'farold Parker.