Illustration Catalogue (with biographical notes of the artists) : Queensland National Art Gallery (Brisbane) 1908

40 STATUAHY. 147. n-Iercury in l<epo~t>. (Copy.) No. 117.- )Icr<;ury in HcpoS<:. The origin:'t-1 w~s found in H crcuhmemn A, n. 17,JS. and is now in the 11n1-:cum at Nnples. 1,1s. Paun with the \\'ine Bag. (Copy.) The original was found in '.Pompeii, .,. IJ. 17-lS: :l.11<1 is now in the Xaplcs :lfosemn. 119. Daueing Faun. (Copy.) '!'he original was found in l)ompeii, l HS, and is no,\· in the i\:\ple;: ?\iuseum.