Illustration Catalogue (with biographical notes of the artists) : Queensland National Art Gallery (Brisbane) 1908

M I SC E L LA N E O US. l iJO. :\ n Ormolu and Se,·rcs 'l'a,ble. l'r•·sented by the ,1 isses Hickson "" a. t,·ioute to the mernory of their fathe r, t h(• .J:-unc•s H. Dick:,ion, K,C.~1.c., first )linister of Defonce o ft.ho Co1omonwealt,h o f A11strnli:,. The :;enes l'bc111e~ represeuL 11 is )lajcsty J,ou is XVI. of 1-'r~oce ftr:d t he .lkn1ti1·s <>f his Court. 1->1 . A Collr ct ion of Doulton "\Varc. Prt,)~tntcd l>y ~ir I lenry l)oulton. 152. Federal Shoot ing Cup. \\'on .'\nd J>rc-$<•nlcd by the Q11ecn~l:wd Hif!c Assocbr..ion.