Illustration Catalogue (with biographical notes of the artists) : Queensland National Art Gallery (Brisbane) 1908

Origin and Establishment of the Queensland Na tional Art Gallery, 1895. TuE formation of a National Art Gallery had been talked of at different times, but nothing definite was done towards establishing one until the later par·t of 1894, whenSi1· Hugh Nelson , K.C.M.G., Premier of Queeusland, gawi his permission £or a few pictures and a number of engrnviugs belongiog to t he Govenaneo t to be collected together to form the found,,tion of nn Art Gallery, if a. suibible room could be found in which to place them. His " rorship the ])fa.yor of Brisbane (Alderman Robert -l?raser) and the l\funicipal Council kindl y came forwRrd and offered the Town Hall, which luid been in disuse for some time. On the Government's acceptance of the offer, tbe Municipal Council 1·cdecorated the hall and fitted it up suitably for thP. purpose. A number of citfa,ms lent works of art, notably Sit· Samue l Griffith and the late Si r James Dickson. 'rhese picture$, together with those in the possession of the Goveniment, and a valuabl e collection of Old Masters which had been lately bequeathed to the State by the late Hon. 1'. de l\L Murrny Prior, formed the nucleus of the present National Art Gallery. '!'he Gallery was formally opened by His Excellency the Governor, Sir Henry \Yyiie Norman, G.C.B. , G.C.M.G., on ]'riday, 29th March, 1805, in the presence of a large gathering. The Gal lery at firs t was placed under the care of a Board of Trustees- the Hon. Horace 'l'ozer, the Hou. H. D. l\:[orehead, Captain 'ro1vul ey, and His '\Vorship the .Mayor of Brisbane, with Sir St\muel Grifll th M President. R. Godfrey Rivers wns appointed Honorary Curator. In 1.897 . the Hon. Ho race Tozer resigned, and