Illustration Catalogue (with biographical notes of the artists) : Queensland National Art Gallery (Brisbane) 1908

4 QUEENSLAND NATIONAL AR1' GALLl,RY. was replaced by }):fr. Edwin Lilley. In 1899 the Hon. . J. Il . Dickson' s )lame was added to those <>f the Trustees, and at bis death, in 1901, tbe Hon. Arthur Rutledge wa-s appointed iu bis place. In 1901 1\ir. Albert V. Drury was appointed a 'l'rustee. Ou the resignation of Sir Samuel Griffith, in 190G, and the death of the Hou. ]3. D. 1\:lorebe:1d, the vacancies were reflll ed by l\fr. D. S. 'fhi~tlethwayte and Mr. G. l:f. M. Addison . In 1895 the Gol'ernment made the gallery a gra.nt of £500 yearly, to enable the Trustees to meet current expenses, and to purchase works of art. ln 1898, due to the influence of the:Hon . • J. R. Dickson, the grant was raised to .C L,000. In 1901 the grant was reduced to £250. In 1904 it was again reduced to £100, and then finally withdrawn. Jn 1900 the 'l'rustees appointed Mr. Frank Dicksee, R ,L, and Mr. i;\r . Knox D'A.rcy to advise them on l>Urcbnses made in 'Eng land. '!'he 1'rustees, in spite of the small am.ount available for purchases, maua!?eJ to acqui re some very good works of nrt, amongst them being " 'fhe Parting of E liiabeth Woodville and the Duke oE York," by P. H . Calderon, Il.A..; "'rhe Holy Mot her," by P . Goodall, }LA.; "The Home ,vind," by N,\pier Henry, A..R.A.; " 1'he C1·e~t of the Hill," by Frank Calderon; "The Sund:i.y Parade," by Hamilton l\'IacCallum; "Hamlet;" by F . Cadogan Cowper, A.Il,.A.; and "A Cup of 'l'ea," by Harold Knight. On the completion of the E:1:ecutive Building, the Government decided to take over the collection, and to place it in the Gallery, wh ich liad been built ou the top floor. 'fhis Gallery was for– mally opened by His Excellency the Governor, Lord Chelmsford, K.C.M.G., on 18th December, 1905. 1'he collection being in a Government bu ild ing, it was decided by the Government to dissolve the Board of 'l'rustees, ancl to reappoint its members as a. Board of Advice.