Journeys North

Born Brisbane, 1948. Studied Art 'leaching at Kelvin GroveTuachers' College 1966-67. He has taught art in Queensland and Victorian high schools 1968-77. Studied photography 1973. Freelance photographer 1980-84. Photographer in Residence, D.D.I.A.E .,Toowoomba 1982.Worked on Australian Parliament House photography project 1983. Currently teaching photography at the Anglican Grammar School, Brisbane. Exhibitions 1975 Two Brisbane photographers, Ray Hughes Gallery, Brisbane ' Snapshots, Australian Centre for Photography, Sydney 1976 Tun viewpoints, Australian Centre for Photography, Sydney Blue Gum Festival - National Art Exhibition, Hobart Art Gallery 1977-78 The Western Suburbs, travelling exhibition 1978 O'Malley and Kelly and The Oaks, Ray Hughes Gallery Brisbane ' Australian photographers, Department of Foreign AffairsTour of six Middle Eastern countries 1979 Glen O'Malley: photographs, Kelvin Grove C.A.E. Art Gallery, Brisbane 1979-81 Four and a halfmonths in the north, travelling exhibition 1980 Through the looking glass: Kennie Ellis, Peter Kelly, Glen O'Malley, Ray Hughes Gallery, Brisbane The Queensland Connection, ContemporaryArt Society, Adelaide ' 1981 Political comment, Avago Gallery, Sydney Nine Queensland artists, PercTucker Regional Gallery, Townsville ' RayHughes atPinacotheca, Pinacotheca, Melbourne 1981-82 Instantly, travelling exhibition 1982 SydneyUXLter: photos by Glen O'Malley, D.D.I.A.E., Toowoomba Internationale Photographier durung, Switzerland, Norway, Finland,West Germany, Austria 1983 Discount diesel, D.D.I.A.E ., Toowoomba · 1984 Time present and time past, Australian Centre for Photography, Sydney 1987 A imdding exposition, Imagery Gallery, Brisbane · Represented Philip Morris Art Collection, Australian National Gallery, Canberra University of QueenslandArt Museum, Brisbane Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane D.D.I.A.E ., Toowoomba Brisbane C.A.E. Devonport Gallery and Arts Centre, Tasmania. 31