Journeys North

Biographical notes Born Melbourne, 1949. St~died a~ the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (Diploma m Photography) 1968-69. Studied at Harrow Photo School, London 1970-71 Worked initially as a photographic technician, then as a cinematographer with Film Australia. Travelled around Australia Europe India and Asia and worked as a freelance photographer. In 1975 he was awarded a Visual Arts Board travel grant to Japan. He has done photographic work for a number of commercial businesses and airlines. In 1981 he worked on the A day in the life ofAustralia project and in 1982 on the CSR Photography Project. He received an Australia/ China Council Grant in 1985 and in the following year he worked on the After 200 years project commissioned by the Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies. Max Pam is the first Australian to be invited to show at the Rencontres D'Arles Gallery in the south of France. Exhibitions 1973 University ofMelbourne 1974 Aspects ofAustralian photography, Australian Centre for Photography, Sydney 1975 Intermittent lucidity, Fremantle Arts Centre 1979 In theHimalayas, Aspects Gallery, Brussells and National Gallery ofVictoria, Melbourne 1981 India, Canon Gallery, Amsterdam Two friends, Santa Fe Gallery of Photography Eleven years inAsia, Australian Centre for Photo~raphy, Sydney Sky Gallery, Portland, Oregon 1982 Spirit oftravelling, Rencontres D'Arles, south of France International photography, Eaton/Shoen Gallery San Fra~~ ' 1983 A dec_ade ofAustralian photography 1972-1982, Philip Morris Arts Grant, Australian National Gallery, Canberra 1985 GalleriaFoto Forum, Tarragona, Spain Nikon Gallery, Zurich 1986 From eastern.fluency to southern recall, Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth Rencontres D'Arles, south of France Represented Victorian and Albert Museum, London Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris Australian National Gallery, Canberra National Gallery ofVictoria, Melbourne Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide Art Gallery ofWestern Australia, Perth Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane 43