Fluxus and after

Fluxus poster Designed by Ben Vautier in the 1960s fora 'total art' =XUS event in Lund, Sweden. George Brecht, Yves Klein, Robert FLU Filliou, La Monte Young, Nam June Palk, Mieko Shiomi, r i i I r Robert Watts and 'Ben' himself were among the LA, participants Private colection. 011 SOURIT ART TOTAL9 w POESIE ACTION gia t J- CL t IN LUNDSKONSTHALL -AFNN From 1958 to 1963 Arthur (Addi) Kopcke ran a small, very experimental gallery in Copenhagen where he exhibited new art by, among others, Diter Rot, Niki de St Phalle, Daniel Spoerri and Robert Filliou. Köpcke's gallery provided a meeting place for Danish and foreign artists and wasUj a lively forum for discussion and the 3M mW . . X X I U 3 W 400 311Em C: 3W 3M exchange of ideas. ln November 1962he organised a group of Fluxus artists to visit Copenhagen. Here, in collaboration with locals such as Eric Andersen and Henning Christiansen, a series of concerts under the title 'FLUXUS Music and Anti-Music: The Instrumental Theatre' was held in the St Nikolaj Church. These concerts predictably caused considerable public scandal and were branded by the media as 'Fluxus tripe'. * S T A M P OUT 01. Nil Hommage a Arthur Kbpcke 1928-19771979 STAMPING Portfolio of 18 prints by various artists ed.76/1 00 Published by Den Danske Radeerforening, Denmark Colection Queensland Art Gallery Eric Andersen )Denmark b.1943) M'[ TAMPONNE Waste basket 1979 t m' Offset DES TAMPONS !jj, 40x31.lcm Joseph Beuys (Germany 1921-86) Untitled 1979 Offset with rubber stamps 42 x 39 8cm George Brecht (United States b.1926( Stamp out stamping 1979 Rubber stamps 42x29.7cm