Fluxus and after

Humour forms the essence of Peter TyndalI's art, providing him with the means to produce images Including the work of six contemporary artists, the Courts and Jesters portfolio was initiated and which satisfy both his critical and his democratic aims. Exposing the idiosyncrasies and published by Jeff Gibson for Ars Multiplicata, a Sydney gallery which specialises in editions and claustrophobia of the art community as well as ______ multiples. Seeking to promote interest in and appreciation of contemporary Australian art, Gibson highlighting the subjectivity of the critic's 03V 30 " O X m ' looked to the greater affordability (and thus accessibility) of the multiple-editioned print as a means opinion, his work signals democratically to all MW X 30 . of achieving wide dissemination. XY 2% w3V X :L.AL Z Z - 3L " M I . t l m . d Z - a . . Whilst the overall aim and format viewers that their own judgment is valid. Tyndall ______ says, 'I want to find a level at which those uneducated in artspeak can u nders tand my images, 7 ____ z . " . of this project provide parallels because I believe in being able to say complicated things in understandable language. A reformist with those of Fluxus and Pop Art, the strongest link here is seen in the artists' irreverent humour tendency must be articulate. Take the title which I give all my works: "detail: A Person Looks At A and mockery of artistic traditions. While Dale Frank presents actual sheets of vinyl wallpaper, A. Work Of Art/someone looks at something...". There is not a word here that can't be understood'. D. S. Donaldson's monochromes are reminiscent of hardware store colour charts. (Pamela Hansford, Peter Tyndal. Dagger Definitions, Greenhouse, Richmond, 1987, p.15) Courts and Jesters 1992 detail Selection of prints from a portfolio by six artists ed.8/20 someone looks at something... A Person Looks At A Work Of Art/ Published by Jeff Gibson for Ars Multiplicata, Sydney Collection of postcards and drawings (includes Postcard 1991 ( Collection Queensland Art Gallery Collection. The artist, Hepburn Springs, Victoria Dale Frank (Australia b.1959( Untitled 1992 Vinyl wallpaper At"'ter 6 sheets: 63 x 47.5cm (each( Title iv4 A. D. S. Donaldson (Australia b.1961( s! Lo k s At A Work Of Art! The purples 1992 A someone looks at something... Screenprint 6 sheets: 63 x 47.5cm (each( DiZPevrs8 Medium • Looks At A Work Of Art/ t4on ne looks at something... V t U R A L CONSUMPTION PRODUCTION . ....* ScC. Date Artist Peter Tyndall . . FOSTERVILLE INSTITUTE OF . . . . . . APPLIED & PROGRESSIVE LU CULTURAL E X P E R I E N C E . C L CL Q' This collection of postcards (with specific reference to John Cage and his 'mesostics') is accompanied by drawings from the 1970s and 1980s which the artist, for a number of reasons, . . . relates to Brisbane. For instance, Tyndall reworks a brochure published by the Queensland Art . . . . . . . . . Gallery on aspects of the Karl and Gertrude Langer Collection When in 1985 I saw on the U A G brochure a classic Tyndall depiction of Gertrude Langer looking at a bronze Hotei, this "someone looks at something..." certainly made me chuckle. By over-painting my imagery and over-writing my title onto the brochure, I included Gertrude as a specific example into the field'. A. D. S. DONALDSON 1991 (Letter to A. Kirker, 28 September 1 993( Wool carpet 200 x 314cm Work from Fosterville Institute of Applied & Progressive Cultural Experience 1985 Collection Malcolm Enright, Brisbane Colage of labels, address card and ribbon 30x40cm Representing the emergence of a new abstractionism, Andrew Donaldson's work explores the expressive potential of the monochrome. Through the use of objects such as mother-of-pearl Collection Malcolm Enright, Brisbane buttons and metres of household carpet - and the resulting references to suburban, domestic Serving as a gesture of appreciation for hospitality, Tyndall inscribes this whimsical colage, 'I and personal matters — what initially appears as a purely formal exercise is transformed r tur from Germany with new stories and fi d Malcolm is now a da cer...'. It is an example of n often humorous narrative. Instead of a doormat printed with the 'welcome' text, Donaldson the private humorous exchange between artists which extends to collaborations through the mail. proffers his name.