Fluxus and after

openotherend 1979-89 Probably best described as operating from an 'intermedia' standpoint, Chris Mann defies ready Screenprint classification. Just as John Cage was a writer, composer, draughtsman and poet, and proto-Fluxus 185 x 183cm artists such as Higgins and Knowles engaged in a variety of activities, Mann works across several The Sydney Morning, Volume Ill Word Works 1979-921992 fields, renegotiating the past in terms of current technologies. His 1978 'tablecloth poem' titled Portfolio of 12 screenprints ed. 19/72-88 Words and classes and the early 1990s text for radio broadcast, 'A Machine for Making Sense', 285 x 21.5cm (each) _______ mix provocative aphorisms with colloquial nonsense. In a Published by Thorny Devil Press, Wangi Wangi, New South Wales _ . . relentless monologue Mann asserts, for instance, 'Ownership is the only reasonable alternative to According to the title page, these 'word works' include those 'from the ongoing series Roadsigned knowledge'; 'Cross a name with its mutation and come up & Subvertising'. 3 M 3 M 3 0 M W with a croak "the economy" yeh'. Various signs and stickers, 1990-93 3 M OW Similarly, the Melbourne composer Warren Burt (with Including 'No more Cunding Fats' (a car bumper sticker designed for the Eighth Biennale of Sydney), 'Dadaists & whom Mann often collaborates) has extended the Surrealists NOT ADMITTED' (a smal metal sign) and 'DANGER. Surrealism is Electric' (a printed sign on plastic) parameters of electronic and computer music, performing in Australia, Europe, Japan and the Collection- The artist, Wangi Wangi, New South Wales United States. Aside from his work as a composer, Burt is a film maker, video artist and community arts organiser. In tracing the history of Australian experimental music in the period 1963-90forthe Leonardo Music Journal (vol.1, no.1, 1991(, he drew attention to its protean nature: 'Experimental music in 1990 could encompass such areas as Cagean influences andwork with low technology and improvisation and sound poetry and linguistics and new instrument building and multimedia and music theatre and work with high technology and community music, among others...'. q4 H00 Up 10 is AHE f~lv et ow C 00 00 Cr ARTLLI Cn cc CD 60 LU CD