Problem Wisdom

16 April 1994 The problem is in humans not in cars or laws, above the ground or underground 17 April 1994 Bad thoughts are like poison accumulating in your heart 18 April 1994 We cannot choose to be born but we can choose the ways we live 19 April 1994 The perfection of small things hides magic 20 April I994 The poorest ray khay [ street vendor] is better than khay lay [salesman who is a trickster] 21 April 1994 Observing nature is a source of wisdom 22 April 1994 Fish needs clean water, humans need clean mind 23 April 1994 When your body is hot you cool it with a fan, when your heart is hot you cool it with charity Dhamma 24 April 1994 Nothing is strange if we understand its cause and effect 25 April 1994 Life comes from emptiness, why should we fear extinction? 26 April 1994 The problems of teenagers begin in the home 27 April 1994 Working is practising Dhamma 28 April 1994 Your mind is my mind 29 April 1994 Everything contains its own weak point 30 April 1994 Giving to cleanse your selfishness and desire makes your heart calm 1May 1994 The amazing thing everybody has is mind energy 2 May 1994 To overcome the obstacle you have to overcome your thought 3 May 1994 Your heart leans on your goodness 4May 1994 Like everything, culture is born and dies 5 May 1994 To be able to fight the peaceful way you must have goodness in your heart 6 May 1994 Organic farming is like nurturing the seeds of perfect humanity 7 May 1994 Belief gives direction to your life 8 May 1994 Imagination is the map and compass of your life 9 May 1994 Wisdom makes life different, Dhamma wisdom makes you see true life 10 May 1994 Don't pay attention to other people's faults, pay attention to your own 11 May 1994 Life is supporting each other, like natural farming 12 May 1994 Don't solve the problem with drugs, they create only an illusion 13 May 1994 Work with your heart but not to please the heart 14 May 1994 Beautiful words come from a beautiful heart, not from a beautiful way of speaking 15 May 1994 If you lose control of your passion how can you solve the problem? 16May 1994 Education should develop the heart first, not materialism 17 May 1994 Everything is the university of life 11 3 May 1994 Your heart leans on your goodness The little house on the pedestal refers to the spirit house, commonly seen outside Thai homes. Special offerings of food, flowers, candles and incense are believed to keep the spirits contented and at peace with the family. This piece comments on such a pragmatic approach to spiritual values, suggesting that what is really important is one's good heart and not c;,pirit houses. 18 May 1994 Every life has value and deserves charity 19 May 1994 Change nature, and the way of life changes 20 May 1994 Everything is a temporary event 21 May 1994 Kind of food tells us about kind of society 22 May 1994 Tears have value when they come from the heart first 23 May 1994 The queue is the basics of justice in society 24 May 1994 Before everything else, the government should help people have the four necessities of life [Translator's note: in Thai culture, food, clothing, medicine and shelter are regarded as the four necessities of life]