Problem Wisdom

25 May 1994 No ego, no human rights to violate 26 May 1994 Don't enjoy at the expense of other people's suffering 27 May 1994 Abortion is murder 28 May 1994 The world changes and sickness follows 29 May 1994 To know saving is to know consciousness 30 May 1994 Cleanliness is an essential principle of life 31 May 1994 Share ideals, share virtue, for ethics not for profit I June 1994 Join together by love not by greed 2 June 1994 Don't believe any stories until you know the truth 3 June 1994 Everything comes from small things 4 June 1994 Being not-careless is Dhamma 5 June 1994 The world is everyone's house 6 June 1994 Don't hit the snake just because it is a snake 7 June 1994 If you have Dhamma moral ethics we don't need the law 8 June 1994 Generosity to other people is charity for the earth 9 June 1994 The man who brought love to politics 10 June 1994 Plant in people love for nature and nature will plant the forest for the people 11 June 1994 Traffic jams because humans jammed on their love for cars 12 June 1994 Natural food is natural medicine 13 June 1994 Maniage is ajob of redecorating your heart 14June 1994 Good politician is not good actor 15June 1994 The more time you have the more mistakes you make 16 June 1994 Happy family comes from generous and honest head of family 17 June 1994 Ritual is a trick for making people do good things 18 June 1994 Passion is the cancer of the heart. You must cut the passion out 19 June 1994 Speak by moral 20 June 1994 Choose to clean the heart, not the money 21 June 1994 Know the confusion of the world but don't follow it 22 June 1994 Don't be careless with nature 23 June 1994 Don't be addicted to entertainment 24 June 1994 Art is a process that brings you back to nature 25 June 1994 Abno1TOal is not unnatural 26 June 1994 We should love each other by Dhamma 27 June 1994 Death is a no1TOal part of life 28 June 1994 Fast to get rid of your passion, not to win others over 29 June 1994 When you are ignorant things look strange to you 30 June 1994 To get rid of the ghost, you have to get rid of your ignorance I July 1994 Close family makes warm life 2June 1994 Don't believe any stories until you know the truth This sculpture represents a pig in a cooking pot and illustrates the Thai saying, 'like a pig in a pot', meaning someone who is easily tricked and exploited. The artist draws on popular wisdom to communicate his message in ahumorous and direct way.