Problem Wisdom

16 December I993 Friendship grows from within the heart, not from outside This sculpture depicts the Thai story of a mouse and a frog who wanted to become friends. Thinking that their friendship would be stronger if they were somehow physically attached, they tied their legs together. Once tied to each other, though, they realised that they could not live like that because the frog had to live in the water and the mouse in the field. 3 December 1993 Anything can be useful or hanmful, it depends on the individual 4 December 1993 Give another person encouragement when they are down 5 December 1993 If nature is sick humans are sick 6 December 1993 Lust for power and selfishness are the cause of war 7 December 1993 Money is not the standard for measuring value 8 December 1993 When you eat rice you get full, when you eat money you get hungry 9 December 1993 When you love you say sweet things, when you are bitter you blame 10 December I993 If dinosaurs can be extinct, so can humans. Nature creates and destroys 11 December 1993 Giving is happiness, just receiving is suffering 12 December 1993 Advertising creates image not quality 13 December 1993 Learn about past and present to predict the future 14 December I993 Without freedom of expression life is a robot 15 December 1993 Nature belongs to all life, humans don't be selfish 16 December 1993 Friendship grows from within the heart, not from outside 17 December 1993 The world has no borders for birds 18 December 1993 Even if you have all the infonmation in the world it is useless if you don't know yourself 19 December 1993 Give charity to animals as you give to humans 20 December 1993 Real happiness is in your heart, robbers cannot steal it 21 December 1993 What is useful for you may not be useful for others 22 December 1993 Sick body needs doctor, sick spirit needs Dhamma 23 December 1993 Time goes slow or fast depending on your mind, not the stars 24 December 1993 Auseful person thinks about society first 25 December 1993 God loves you as much as you love others 26 December 1993 When you think good you are happy, when you think bad you suffer 27 December I993 Don't become a victim of fashion be proud of yourself '