Vida Lahey: colour and modernism

Sponsor Message As a passionate advocate for community engagement, Xstrata Coal is proud to be providing opportunities I am delighted to be continuing our partnership with the for Queenslanders to engage with the art and artists Queensland Art Gallery through the 'Vida Lahey: Colour of this state as part of its annual Community Social and Modernism' exhibition. Involvement program (CSI). Through CSI, we are working with the communities that support our Vida Lahey is one of Queensland's best loved artists, operations throughout Queensland to make a real and this is an outstanding opportunity for Australian art and significant social difference. lovers to enjoy the vibrant flower studies and brilliant colours for which she is renowned. I hope that al who see Vida Lahey: Colour and Modernism' take as much pleasure from this vibrant This is the sixth exhibition to be held as part of the exhibition as we do in supporting it. three-year Xstrata Coal Queensland Artists' Gallery pro he lery in its priority of Reinhold Schmidt c o l , which supports lecting, Qi,s:nrc, with particular relevance to Queensland. Xstwta Coal xstrata coal ABOVE AND COVER DETAIL The Gal e r g gra:e'L ly acKnowledges Snirlay L a h o y ror o a r ENDNOTES Calendu/as c2936-37 generous assistance and support of this exhibition project. 1 Margaret Maynard, Lahey, Frances Vida /aterco cur and gouache over pencil on wove paper (1882-1968)', Australian Dictionary of Biography, on cardboard / 48 x 45.8cm / Gift of Miss Maria Theresa Treweeke 1937 / Collection: Queensland Art Galery Melbourne University Press, vol.9, 1983, pp.643-4. 2 Lilian MacArthur, Vida Lahey: Artist' [pamphlet], PUBLISHER © Queensland Art Gallery 2010 Society of Women Writers' NSW literary competition, Queensland Art Gallery / Gallery of Modern Art 1969, p.9. Stanley Place, South Bank, Brisbane This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under 3 William Moore, 'Art and artists', Brisbane Courier, PC Box 3686, South Brisbane the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced, broadcast 25 October 1930, p.20. Queensland 410/ Australia or communicated to the public without prior written permission Telephone: (07) 3840 7303 4 Arthur Streeton, Argus, 17 August 1932, quoted in Website: Published in association with the exhibition 'Vida Lahey: Christopher Wray, Arthur Streeton: Painter of Light, Colour and Modernism', Queensland Art Calle'cr, /6 Qctoher Jacaranda, Brisbane, 1993, pp.1 72-3. 20/C ISBN 9781 921503 15 3 - 3 February 2011. 5 'Vivid watercolours: Vida Lahey's art', Courier-Mall, I I CURATOR H Cooke Brisbane, 20 May 1936, p.23. I IiII 1111 II 111 11.111 I EDITING / Stepnanie Kennard 6 Blamire Young, 'Great colourist: Art of Miss II III I II I II I IIi I I I DESIGNER / Kirsty McKay Vida Lahey', Herald, Melbourne, 18 October 1932, -181921 b03153 ART WORK PHOTOGRAPHY / Pay Fuiton page unknown. 7 Vida Lahey, 'Art for All' [lecture pamphlet], Queensland National Art Gallery, Brisbane, JQueensIandc.1940, p.4. O.LJENSLANO ART GALERY GALERY OF MODERN ARTGov r ment