My country, I still call Australia home: Contemporary art from Black Australia

Banumbirr (Morning Star pole) 1999 Wood, bark fibre string, feathers, native beeswax, synthetic polymer paint 181 x 28cm (diam.) Acc.2010.517 Banumbirr (Morning Star pole) 1999 Wood, cotton thread, commercial feathers, feathers, synthetic polymer paint 184 x 30cm (diam.) Acc.2010.518 Banumbirr (Morning Star pole) 1999 Wood, cotton thread, commercial feathers, feathers, native beeswax, synthetic polymer paint 184 x 23cm (diam.) Acc.2010.519 Banumbirr (Morning Star pole) c.1999 Wood, bark fibre string, commercial feathers, feathers, synthetic polymer paint 188 x 24cm (diam.) Acc.2010.520 Banumbirr (Morning Star pole) 1999 Wood, bark fibre string, feathers, native beeswax, natural pigments, synthetic polymer paint 181 x 25cm (diam.) Acc.2010.521 Banumbirr (Morning Star pole) 1998 Wood, bark fibre string, feathers, native beeswax, natural pigments, synthetic polymer paint 158 x 17cm (diam.) Acc.2010.522 Purchased 2010 with funds from the Josephine Ulrick and Win Schubert Diversity Foundation through the Queensland Art Gallery Foundation Appeal Banumbirr (Morning Star pole) 1999 Wood, bark fibre string, feathers, synthetic polymer paint 187 x 18cm (diam.) Acc.2010.525 Purchased 2010 with funds from Margaret Mittelheuser, AM , and Cathryn Mittelheuser, AM , through the Queensland Art Gallery Foundation Appeal © Terry Dhurritjini Yumbulul. Licensed by Viscopy, Sydney, 2013 Richard Bell Kamilaroi people QLD b.1953 Bell's Theorem (Trikky Dikky and friends) 2005 Synthetic polymer paint on canvas Five panels: 240 x 480cm (overall) Acc.2007.099a-e The James C Sourris, AM , Collection Gift of James C Sourris through the Queensland Art Gallery Foundation 2007. Donated through the Australian Government's Cultural Gifts Program p.160 I didn't do it 2002 Gravel, glue and synthetic polymer paint on canvas 90 x 60cm Acc.2002.093 Purchased 2002. Queensland Art Gallery Foundation p.130 (detail), p.145 Scratch an Aussie 2008 Digital video projection from DVD, 10 minutes, colour, sound, ed.2/5 Acc.2012.350 Purchased 2012. Queensland Art Gallery p.133 (stills), p.161 (stills) Gordon Bennett QLD b.1955 If Banjo Paterson was black 1995 Synthetic polymer paint, composition board and glass mirrors on plywood and canvas Painting: 150 x 150cm; wall-piece: 123 x 71 x 100cm; cube and lid: 67.5 x 67.5 x 67.5cm Acc.1995.174a-d Purchased 1995. Queensland Art Gallery Foundation p.164 Notes to Basquiat: Aboriginality 1998 Synthetic polymer paint on canvas 137 x 98.5cm Acc.2009.078 Gift of Scott Redford through the Queensland Art Gallery Foundation 2009. Donated through the Australian Government's Cultural Gifts Program p.165 Triptych: Requiem, Of Grandeur, Empire 1989 Oil and photograph on canvas Triptych: a: 120 x 120cm; b: 200 x 150cm; c: 120 x 120cm Acc.1989.037a-c Purchased 1989 under the Contemporary Art Acquisition Program with funds from Hill & Taylor, Solicitors through the Queensland Art Gallery Foundation p.121 Untitled 1991 Oil and synthetic polymer paint on canvas 172 x 220cm Acc.1992.160 Purchased 1992 p.87 Jan (Djan Nanundie) Billycan Yulparija/Manyjilyjarra peoples WA b.c.1930 Kirriwirri 2011 Synthetic polymer paint on plywood Triptych: 90 x 180cm (overall) Acc.2011.320a-c Purchased 2011. Queensland Art Gallery Foundation p.68 Robert Campbell Jr Ngaku people NSW 1944–93 Phillip's landing 1988 Synthetic polymer paint on canvas 115 x 175.5cm Acc.1995.189 Purchased 1995 p.90 Nancy Ngarnjapayi Chapman WA b.1942 May Maywokka Chapman WA b.c.1940s Mulyatingki Marney WA b.c.1941 Marjorie Yates WA b.c.1950 Manyjilyjarra people Mukurtu 2010 Synthetic polymer paint on linen 127 x 300cm Acc.2010.422 Purchased 2010 with funds from Professor John Hay, AC , and Mrs Barbara Hay through the Queensland Art Gallery Foundation © The artists. Courtesy Martumili Artists, WA p.66 Bindi Cole Wathaurung people VIC b.1975 Crystal 2009 Pigment print on Hahnemühle Photo Rag paper, ed.4/8 100 x 120cm Acc.2011.015 p.150 Frederina 2009 Pigment print on Hahnemühle Photo Rag paper, ed.2/8 100 x 120cm Acc.2011.016 p.18 Purchased 2011 with funds from the Bequest of Grace Davies and Nell Davies through the Queensland Art Gallery Foundation I forgive you 2012 Emu feathers on MDF board 100 x 800cm (installed, approx.) Acc.2012.302a-k Purchased 2012. Queensland Art Gallery Foundation © Bindi Cole 2012. Licensed by Viscopy, Sydney, 2013 p.147 (detail), pp.148–9 Seventy Times Seven 2011 HD video, 10:21 minutes, colour, sound, ed. of 5, AP Acc.2013.039 Gift of the artist through the Queensland Art Gallery Foundation 2013. Donated through the Australian Government's Cultural Gifts Program © Bindi Cole 2011. Licensed by Viscopy, Sydney, 2013 p.134 (production stills) Michael Cook Bidjara people QLD b.1968 Civilised #1 2012 Acc.2012.484 p.82 Civilised #2 2012 Acc.2012.485 p.82 Civilised #6 2012 Acc.2012.486 p.82 Civilised #10 2012 Acc.2012.487 p.83 Banumbirr (Morning Star pole) 2003 Wood, feathers, cotton thread with natural pigments 197 x 15cm (diam.) Acc.2004.229 Banumbirr (Morning Star pole) 2003 Wood, feathers, cotton thread with natural pigments 201 x 17cm (diam.) Acc.2004.230 Banumbirr (Morning Star pole) 2003 Wood, feathers, cotton thread with natural pigments 199 x 17cm (diam.) Acc.2004.231 Purchased 2004. Queensland Art Gallery Foundation © Gali Yalkarriwuy Gurruwiwi 1995–2008. Licensed by Viscopy, Sydney, 2013 Henry Dhalnganda Gurruwiwi Galpu people NT b.1945 Banumbirr (Morning Star pole) 1999 130 x 15cm (diam.) Acc.2010.535 Banumbirr (Morning Star pole) 1999 141 x 20cm (diam.) Acc.2010.536 Banumbirr (Morning Star pole) c.1999 200 x 20cm (diam.) Acc.2010.539 Wood, bark fibre string, cotton thread, feathers, natural pigments Purchased 2010 with funds raised through the Queensland Art Gallery Foundation Appeal © Henry Dhalnganda Gurruwiwi 1999. Licensed by Viscopy, Sydney, 2013 Paul Gurruwiwi Galpu people NT b.1975 Banumbirr (Morning Star pole) 2003 Wood, bark fibre string, feathers, native beeswax with synthetic polymer paint 173 x 20cm (diam.) Acc.2005.029 Purchased 2004 © Paul Gurruwiwi 2003. Licensed by Viscopy, Sydney, 2013 Richard Dhaymutha Gurruwiwi Galpu people NT b.1938 Banumbirr (Morning Star pole) 2001 Wood, human hair, cotton thread, native beeswax, natural pigments, synthetic polymer paint 170.9 x 38cm (diam.) Acc.2010.529 Purchased 2010 with funds raised through the Queensland Art Gallery Foundation Appeal Banumbirr (Morning Star pole) 2001 Wood, bark fibre string, cotton thread, feathers, natural pigments, synthetic polymer paint 137 x 27cm (diam.) Acc.2010.530 Purchased 2010 with funds from Margaret Mittelheuser, AM , and Cathryn Mittelheuser, AM , through the Queensland Art Gallery Foundation Appeal © Richard Dhaymutha Gurruwiwi 2001. Licensed by Viscopy, Sydney, 2013 Trevor Gurruwiwi Galpu people NT b.1973 Banumbirr (Morning Star pole) 2003 171 x 11cm (diam.) Acc.2004.232 Banumbirr (Morning Star pole) 2003 157.5 x 15cm (diam.) Acc.2004.233 Banumbirr (Morning Star pole) 2003 149.5 x 8cm (diam.) Acc.2004.234 Wood, bark fibre string, feathers, cotton thread with natural pigments Purchased 2004. Queensland Art Gallery Foundation © Trevor Gurruwiwi 2003. Licensed by Viscopy, Sydney, 2013 Wilson Lanydjurra Gunbirrtja Malarra people NT b.1955 Banumbirr (Morning Star pole) 1997 Wood, bark fibre string, commercial feathers, feathers, cotton thread, native beeswax, natural pigments 165 x 21cm (diam.) Acc.2010.548 Banumbirr (Morning Star pole) 1998 Wood, bark fibre string, feathers, commercial feathers, native beeswax, natural pigments 147 x 20cm (diam.) Acc.2010.545 Banumbirr (Morning Star pole) 1998 Wood, bark fibre string, feathers, native beeswax, natural pigments 130 x 18cm (diam.) Acc.2010.546 Banumbirr (Morning Star pole) 1998 Wood, bark fibre string, commercial feathers, native beeswax, natural pigments 159 x 21cm (diam.) Acc.2010.547 Purchased 2010 with funds raised through the Queensland Art Gallery Foundation Appeal © Wilson Lanydjurra 1997–98. Licensed by Viscopy, Sydney, 2013 Henry Gambika Nupurra Djambarrpuyngu people NT b.1932 Banumbirr (Morning Star pole) 2003 174.5 x 13.5cm (diam.) Acc.2005.033 Banumbirr (Morning Star pole) 2003 218 x 16cm (diam.) Acc.2005.034 Banumbirr (Morning Star pole) 2003 183 x 19.5cm (diam.) Acc.2005.035 Wood, bark fibre string, feathers, native beeswax with synthetic polymer paint Purchased 2004 Banumbirr (Morning Star pole) c.1997 185 x 15cm (diam.) Acc.2010.549 Banumbirr (Morning Star pole) 1999 183 x 13cm (diam.) Acc.2010.550 Banumbirr (Morning Star pole) 1998 180 x 17cm (diam.) Acc.2010.551 Banumbirr (Morning Star pole) 1997 165 x 15cm (diam.) Acc.2010.552 Wood, bark fibre string, cotton thread, feathers, native beeswax, natural pigments Purchased 2010 with funds raised through the Queensland Art Gallery Foundation Appeal © Henry Gambika Nupurra 1997–2003. Licensed by Viscopy, Sydney, 2013 Ian Wuruwul Ganalpuyngu people NT c.1950–2010 Banumbirr (Morning star pole) c.1996 Wood, bark fibre string, cotton, feathers, natural pigments 175 x 16cm (diam.) Acc.2010.531 Purchased 2010 with funds raised through the Queensland Art Gallery Foundation Appeal © Ian Wuruwul c.1996. Licensed by Viscopy, Sydney, 2013 Terry Dhurritjini Yumbulul Warramirri people NT b.1950 Banumbirr (Morning Star pole) 1999 Wood, cotton thread, feathers, synthetic polymer paint 203 x 19cm (diam.) Acc.2010.255 Purchased 2010 with funds from Gadens Lawyers through the Queensland Art Gallery Foundation Appeal Banumbirr (Morning Star pole) 1999 Wood, bark fibre string, commercial feathers, feathers, native beeswax, synthetic polymer paint 171 x 25cm (diam.) Acc.2010.513 Banumbirr (Morning Star pole) 1999 Wood, bark fibre string, commercial feathers, feathers, synthetic polymer paint 186 x 20cm (diam.) Acc.2010.514 Banumbirr (Morning Star pole) 1999 Wood, bark fibre string, synthetic polymer paint 170 x 22cm (diam.) Acc.2010.515 Banumbirr (Morning Star pole) 1999 Wood, bark fibre string, commercial feathers, feathers, native beeswax, synthetic polymer paint 209 x 28cm (diam.) Acc.2010.516 Catalogue of Works 177 176