
Contributors p.54 Yves Klein France, 1928–62 Artistic action by Yves Klein photographed by Harry Shunk, Germany, 1924–2006 and János (Jean) Kender, Hungary, 1937–2009 Leap into the Void 1960 Gelatin silver print 25.9 x 20cm Purchase, The Horace W Goldsmith Foundation Gift, through Joyce and Robert Menschel, 1992 Acc. 1992.5112 Collection: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York © Yves Klein. ADAGP/ Copyright Agency, 2022 Photo: Shunk-Kender © Roy Lichtenstein Foundation Image © The Metropolitan Museum of Art / Image courtesy: Art Resource, NY p.52 Piero Manzoni Italy, 1933–63 Corpo d ’ aria (Body of air) 1959–60 Various materials Various dimensions MACBA Collection. MACBA Foundation © Piero Manzoni. SIAE/ Copyright Agency, 2022 Photograph: MACBA Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona p.53 Fiato d ’ artista (Artist’s breath) 1960 Balloon, rope, lead seals and bronze plaque on wooden base 3.5 x 18 x 18.5cm Presented by Attilio Codognato 2000 T07589 Collection: Tate © Piero Manzoni. SIAE/ Copyright Agency, 2022 p.52 Piero Manzoni inflating a Corpo d’aria (Body of air) using Fiato d’artista (Artist’s breath) at his studio on Via Fiori Oscuri, Milan,1960 Photograph: Giorgio Lotti © Piero Manzoni. SIAE/ Copyright Agency, 2022 p.103 Rei Naito Japan / United States b.1961 Being Called 1997 (installation view, Karmeliterkloster, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, special exhibition organised by Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt am Main) Light, silk organza, cotton cloth, thread, wood, wire, glass, mirror 2919 x 988 x 67cm Photograph: Axel Schneider, Frankfurt am Main p.61 Fujiko Nakaya Japan b.1933 Foggy wake in a desert: An ecosphere 1982 Water vapour Purchased 1977 Collection: National Gallery of Australia, Canberra © Fujiko Nakaya pp.28, 106 Jamie North Australia b.1971 Flume (detail), with Ficus rubiginosa 2013 Cement, coal ash, steel slag, iron oxide, organic matter, various Australian plants 30cm base diameter; height variable p.108 Portal No. 1 2014 Cement, marble waste, limestone, coal ash, organic matter and various Australian plants Dimensions variable Courtesy: Jamie North and Sarah Cottier Gallery, Sydney / Photographs: © Ashley Barber p.109 The Infiltrators (Wattle Street, Ultimo) 2009 Giclée print on archival silver rag paper 42.27 x 28.18cm Courtesy: Jamie North and The Renshaws, Brisbane © Jamie North/Copyright Agency, 2022 p.1 Tomás Saraceno Argentina b.1973 Artist Tomás Saraceno with an Aerocene sphere Courtesy: Tomás Saraceno Photograph: Studio Tomás Saraceno p.14 Aerocene 5 and Aerocene 3 2019 Photograph: Anders Sune Berg p.82 Aeroke 5.3: towards an Aerocene epoch 2019 Photograph: Stephan Alterburger (installation views, ‘Tomorrow is the Question’, ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum, Denmark 2019) Courtesy: Tomás Saraceno and ARoS Museum p.25 Aerocene 2 and Aerocene 1.2 2016 (installation view, ‘163,000 Light Years’, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Monterrey 2016) Courtesy: Tomás Saraceno Photograph: Studio Tomás Saraceno p.50 Alfred Stieglitz United States, 1864–1946 The Flatiron 1903 Photogravure 17 x 8.4cm Gift of JB Neumann, 1958 Acc. 58.577.37 Collection: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Image © The Metropolitan Museum of Art / Image courtesy: Art Resource, NY p.48 Tosa School Japan Eight-fold screen: Scenes from Genji Monogatari (Tale of Genji) 18th century Ink and colour on silk on wooden framed screen with four pairs of metal hangers Gift of James Fairfax AC through the Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art Foundation 2018 p.66 Joseph Mallord William Turner England, 1775–1851 The Thames above Waterloo Bridge c.1830–35 Oil paint on canvas 90.5 x 121cm N01992 p.80 Snow Storm – Steam-Boat off a Harbour’s Mouth exhibited 1842 Oil paint on canvas 91.4 x 121.9cm N00530 Accepted by the nation as part of the Turner Bequest 1856 Collection: Tate p.59 James Turrell United States b.1943 The Color Inside (Skyspace) 2013 Black basalt, plaster, and LED lights 569 x 884 x 701cm Commission, Landmarks, The University of Texas at Austin, 2013 © James Turrell Photograph: Florian Holzherr p.49 James Abbott McNeill Whistler United States, 1834–1903 Sea and Rain 1865 Oil on canvas 77.4 x 100.3cm Bequest of Margaret Watson Parker, 1955/1.89 Collection: University of Michigan Museum of Art, Ann Arbor, Michigan p.170 Jemima Wyman Pairrebeener people Australia b.1977 Plume 4 2021 Hand-cut digital photographs 142 x 106.5 cm Courtesy: Jemima Wyman, Milani Gallery, Brisbane, and Sullivan+Strumpf, Sydney Photograph: Ed Mumford pp.4–5, 8–9, 74–5, 88–9, 122–3, 148–9, 174–5 Photograph: Corina Rainer on Unsplash Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art Geraldine Kirrihi Barlow (GB) Curatorial Manager, International Art, and the curator of ‘Air’ Jacinta Giles (JG) Assistant Curator, International Art (from 30 June 2022) Reuben Keehan (RK) Curator, Contemporary Asian Art Nina Miall (NM) Curator, International Art Tarun Nagesh (TN) Curatorial Manager, Asian and Pacific Art Sophie Rose (SR) Assistant Curator, International Art (until 15 July 2022) Daniel Browning is an Aboriginal journalist, radio broadcaster, sound artist and writer. He presents The Art Show on Radio National and is the ABC’s Editor of Indigenous Radio. A visual arts graduate, he is also a widely published freelance writer on the arts and culture, and a former guest editor of Artlink Indigenous . Daniel is a descendant of the Bundjalung and Kullilli peoples of far northern New South Wales and south-western Queensland. Lidia Morawska , a Polish-born physicist, is a Distinguished Professor at the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane. She has devoted three decades to groundbreaking investigations of air quality and its implications for human health and the environment, bringing us all closer to breathing safely. 207 206 Acknowledgments Contributors