eX de Medici: Beautiful Wickedness

221 220 EX DE MEDICI: BEAUTIFUL WICKEDNESS Selected bibliography 1996 Adelaide Biennial of Australian Art [exhibition catalogue]. Art Gallery Board of South Australia, Adelaide, 1996. Auckland Artfair 07 [exhibition catalogue]. Whitespace, Auckland, NZ, 2007. Allen, Traudi. Cross-Currents in Contemporary Australian Art . Craftsman House, Sydney, 2001. Barney, Jane; McFarlane, Jenny; and Bull, Gordon. 60 Heads: eX de Medici [exhibition catalogue]. Canberra Contemporary Art Space, Canberra, 1996. Bartlem, Edwina. Chaos and Revelry: Neo-Baroque and Camp Aesthetics [exhibition catalogue]. Counihan Gallery, Brunswick, Vic., 2008. Barton, Christina and others. Close Quarters: Contemporary Art from Australia and New Zealand [exhibition catalogue]. Monash University Gallery and Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Clayton, and South Yarra, Vic., 1998. Bullock, Natasha and others. KnowMy Name [exhibition catalogue]. National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, 2020. Butler, Roger. Women Hold Up Half the Sky: The Orientation of Art in the Post-War Pacific [exhibition catalogue]. Monash University Gallery, Melbourne, 1996. Byrne, Lisa. Social Capital [exhibition catalogue]. Canberra Contemporary Art Space, Canberra, 2005. Clement, Tracey. eX de Medici: Black Flag [exhibition catalogue]. Boutwell Draper Gallery, Sydney, 2007. Coppel, Stephen. Out of Australia: Prints and Drawings from Sidney Nolan to Rover Thomas . British Museum Press, London, 2011. De Medici, eX. ‘The Tattoo/Fascist Contradiction’ [online conference paper]. Sixth Australian Print Symposium , National Gallery of Australia, originally published 2007; available via National Library of Australia , <webarchive.nla.gov.au/awa/20141215062849/ http://www.printsandprintmaking.gov.au/ references/8792>, viewed November 2022. De Medici, eX; King, Amanda; and Leong, Roger. eX de Medici @MPRG [online exhibition catalogue]. Mornington Peninsula Regional Gallery, originally published 2004; available via National Library of Australia , <webarchive.nla.gov.au/ awa/20060819211656 /http://mprg.mornpen . vic.gov.au/exdemedici> , viewed November 2022. Doyle Wawrzyńczak, Anni. How Local Art Made Australia’s National Capital . ANU Press, Canberra, 2020. Eagle, Mary and Thomas, Daniel (eds). 1990 Adelaide Biennial of Australian Art [exhibition catalogue]. Art Gallery Board of South Australia, Adelaide, 1990. Elliott, Hannah. Cruel and Unusual Punishment: Art and Violence [exhibition catalogue]. La Trobe University Art Museum, Bundoora, Vic., 2008. Engledow, Sarah. Making Portraits: Five Years of National Portrait Gallery Commissions [exhibition catalogue]. National Portrait Gallery, Canberra, 2004. Ennis, Helen and Batchen, Geoffrey. Mirror with a Memory: Photographic Portraiture in Australia [exhibition catalogue]. National Portrait Gallery, Canberra, 2000. Gaston, Vivien. Controversy: The Power of Art [exhibition catalogue]. Mornington Peninsula Regional Gallery, Mornington Peninsula, Vic., 2012. Gellatly, Kelly. Soft Steel – eX de Medici: Recent Works [exhibition catalogue]. Heide Museum of Modern Art, Bulleen, Vic., 2003. Gibson, Prue. The Rapture of Death . Boccalatte, Surry Hills, NSW, 2010. Gott, Ted (ed.). Don't Leave Me This Way: Art in the Age of AIDS [exhibition catalogue]. National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, 1994. Gott, Ted and Gellatly, Kelly (eds). On the Road: The Car in Australian Art [exhibition catalogue]. Heide Museum of Modern Art, Bulleen, Vic., 1999. Grant, Kirsty. This and Other Worlds: Contemporary Australian Drawing [exhibition catalogue]. National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, 2005. Green, Charles (ed.). 2006 Contemporary Commonwealth [exhibition catalogue]. National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, 2006. Hall, Doug. eX de Medici: Sweet Complicity [exhibition catalogue]. Karen Woodbury Gallery, Richmond, Vic., 2009. Hoffie, Pat and others. Future Tense: Security and Human Rights [exhibition catalogue]. Dell Gallery, Queensland College of Art, Brisbane, 2005. Keaney, Magda and others. So You Wanna Be a Rock Star: Portraits and Rock Music in Australia [exhibition catalogue]. National Portrait Gallery, Canberra, 2001. Kleinert, Sylvia. Nowhere Utopia: Uto (No) Topo (Place) [exhibition pamphlet]. Bitumen River Gallery, Canberra, 1987; available via The Ari Remix Living Archives , <remix.org.au/ RemixPDFPublications/NowhereUtopiaCat. pdf>, viewed November 2022. Kubler, Alison. neo goth: back in black [exhibition catalogue]. The University of Queensland Art Museum, St Lucia, Qld, 2008. Leong, Roger. eX de Medici [exhibition catalogue]. Boutwell Draper Gallery, Sydney, 2004. Littley, Samantha. Conflict: Contemporary Responses to War [exhibition catalogue]. The University of Queensland Art Museum, St Lucia, Qld, 2014. Littley, Samantha. eX de Medici: From the Room of Dorian Gray [exhibition catalogue]. Wollongong Art Gallery, Wollongong, NSW, 2020. Littley, Samantha. eX de Medici: Smithereens [exhibition catalogue]. Sullivan+Strumpf, Zetland, NSW, 2018. McDonald, Anne. Moist: Australian Watercolours [exhibition catalogue]. National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, 2005. McFarlane, Jenny. eX de Medici: Need Head [exhibition catalogue]. Sullivan+Strumpf, Zetland, NSW, 2011. McFarlane, Jenny. eX de Medici: Ton of Bricks [exhibition catalogue]. Sullivan+Strumpf, Zetland, NSW, 2012. McFarlane, Jenny. eX de Medici: ‘The Wreckers’ + Wu Wei Rong Collaboration [exhibition catalogue]. Sullivan+Strumpf, Zetland, NSW, 2019. McFarlane, Jenny and others. Cold Blooded: eX de Medici [exhibition catalogue]. Drill Hall Gallery, Australian National University, Canberra, 2013. McFarlane, Jenny and others. eX de Medici: Cure for Pain [exhibition catalogue]. Sullivan+Strumpf, Zetland, NSW, 2011. Marsh, Anne and others. Doing Feminism: Women’s Art and Feminist Criticism in Australia . Miegunyah Press, Carlton, Vic., 2021. Mitzevich, Nick (ed.). 2014 Adelaide Biennial of Australian Art: Dark Heart [exhibition catalogue]. Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide, 2014. Nash, Eric and others. A Permanent Mark: The Impact of Tattoo Culture on Contemporary Art [exhibition catalogue]. Gallery Services, Townsville City Council, Townsville, Qld, 2015. NSSP: National Self-Portrait Prize 2015 [exhibition catalogue]. The University of Queensland Art Museum, St Lucia, Qld, 2015. Seear, Lynne and Raffel, Suhanya (eds). The 5th Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art [exhibition catalogue]. Queensland Art Gallery, South Brisbane, 2006. Sims, Adam (ed.). Contemporary Iranian Art [exhibition catalogue]. New Albion Gallery, Surry Hills, NSW, 2012. sp. [room brochure]. Helen Maxwell Gallery, Braddon, ACT, 2001. Webster, Laura and Warnes, Diana. Perspectives: Jon Cattapan, eX de Medici [exhibition catalogue]. Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 2010. Williamson, Clare and others. Indelible: eX de Medici and Kelly Leonard [exhibition catalogue]. Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, South Yarra, Vic., 1997. Wright, Simon. eX de Medici: The World [exhibition catalogue]. Griffith University, Nathan, Qld, 2010. Articles Allen, Felicity. ‘Guns drawn in sexual target’. Herald Sun [Melbourne], 10 March 2003, p.84. Andrew, Paul. ‘Skin scribe for the tattoo tribe’. Melbourne Community Voice [defunct], issue 173, originally published 16 April 2005, p.9; available via The Ari Remix Living Archives , <remix.org.au/ artist-ex-de-medici-is-a-voice-of-dissent- in-the-australian-art-world-skin-scribe- for-the-tattoo-tribe-melbourne-community- voice-mcv-april-16-2005-173-p-9>, viewed November 2022. Bell, Andrew. ‘Cure for Pain: “Powerful” work by elusive artist eX de Medici acquired by Australian War Memorial’. ABCNews [online], 27 March 2017, <abc.net.au/news/2017-03- 27/ex-de-medicis-cure-for-pain-unveilled- at-australian-war-memorial/8390432>, viewed November 2022. Boyd, Chris. ‘The order beneath the skin’. Australian Financial Review , 17 April 2004, p.32. Bridge, Claire. ‘On the brink of catastrophe with eX de Medici’. Art World Women , 2019, <artworldwomen.com/on-the-brink-of- catastrophe-with-ex-de-medici/>, viewed November 2022. Bull, Gordon. ‘The scandal of eX de Medici’. Photofile, no.56, May 1999, pp.12–19. Clark, Deborah. ‘Scratching the surface’. Art Monthly , no.71, July 1994, p.30. Clement, Tracey. ‘eX de Medici on hybrid forms and a fascination with moths’. Art Guide Australia , May–June 2021, pp.48–51. Colless, Edward. ‘Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee’. Australian Art Collector , issue 56, April–June 2011, pp.136–43. Cook, Virginia. ‘Artist shown as worker’. Canberra Times, 20 February 1986, The Good Times [supplement], p.5. Craven, Owen. ‘eX de Medici: Cold Blooded’. Art Almanac , June 2013, p.35. Darlaston, Kirsty. ‘eX de Medici: Cold Blooded’. Artlink , vol.33, no.3, 2013, p.95; <search-informit-org.rp.nla.gov.au/ doi/10.3316/informit.556364444813470>, viewed November 2022. De Medici, eX. ‘Disposable icons’. Artlink , vol.12, issue 4, 1990, pp.14–16. De Kruijff, Peter. ‘International artist eX de Medici showcases her latest exhibition at MAMA’. Border Mail [online], 18 December 2015, <bordermail.com.au/story/3584584/ pretty-crude-paintings-go-up-for-show>, viewed November 2022. Desmond, Michael. ‘The illustrated woman’. World Art , vol.1, issue 1, 1994, pp.72–5.