Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

"MAIL" 1 I Brisbane, Old. isitor asks: 'Where's gallery?' D° you k where the Queensland Art Gallery is? A Sydney visitor yes- found out-from a man terday morning asked 16 with whom he was haying people, including a 15 - lunch in a city cafe. year -old schoolgirl and three policemen, this question and none knew. One policeman said: "Don't know, but walk It's removal t n more around on my brat and suitable mishit' it and fit - we might find out." tins buildinr. has been The stranger eventually suggested fr,quently. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111117111111111111111111111 ANSWER: The Art Gal- lery occupies the front part of what is generally known as the Museum 1 uilr,111g, in Bowen Bridge Watt "TELEGRAPH" Sydney, N.S.W. Mt Mh:-Ingiairt. s.-tm the lend two of the painting, it teal bought -Ivor Hele's alai Douala,- Dundas'-ti. the Brisbane Art Goller,t lot a six-weeks exhibition Front "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Qld. ADEPT.: No sunder painters ,ty Brisbahr- ites are Au -t ratio's kceile,t. art-buyer, ... The Courier- Milirs lobe has been like Central station Mee We hung three A111111)111(1 Prize portraits tin the Art. Panel. Crowd, hilt,' beet' zno::tly middle a s,queu tend to bole ,denee tor as 111111: ns 15 minuta: nien don't gaze so loin'. but tend to argue finer points.. . . One suburban :moron 'oohed hard; said she thought her young anti could tin better: went off firmly to :,re Ar Gallery Director Rohe': Haines about het career.... From "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Qld. C ity art show Twn art 511011S Of oil. standing 411(4'1,4 are bean held In 13:1,1how. Flvr Archiltild Prim paintlncs, hill. of whirl were recently on di:Tiny it 'the Courier -Mall valibule are on tit play th Queensland Nat tonal Ar Cutlery. Two D'is'h work. Crave been tickled to th ,i1 IVO!' Pete, Wittlart I t.d, II, ,uul Dou It. I From MAIL" I WILL BE ON DISPLAY IN Brisbane, Qk THE COURIER -MAIL TO -DAY WINNING Archibald Prize pointing, -Laurie Thomas, Et.auire," b/ Ivor Hele, which, with two other Archibald Prize entries, will be dis played on The Courier -Moil art panel from noon to -day. Melbourne, Vic. 71Ir Art work.' Melbourne seems to he a recruiting ground for art gallery directors. A few months ago Mr. Robert Raines. assistant director of the National Gallery of Victoria, was appointed director of the Queensland Art Gallery. This week Mr. Laurence Thomas, who succeeded him In Melbourne. and resigned to organise the magnificent Jubilee Exhibition of Aus- tralian Art. which he took all over Australia, leaves to take up appointment es director, of the West Australian Art Geller . He Front "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Qld Picture shows the Va- Banal Art Gallery Dire -tor 01r. It. Haines) examining the prize winning paint- ing alter its arrkal hs air front Sydney sesterda "Laurie T11011111S, Esquire Is on loan from the National Art Gallery of New South Wales. The other paintings are "Self Fortran" by In ug- las numbs. al.,, on loan from 'he N.S.W. Nati. nal Gantry. and "Lady Lloyd Jones" by William Dot ell, on loan front Sir rite les and Lady Lloyd Jones. The three pictures vill remain on The Courier - Mail panel until Friday, March 1.1. Then, with two other Archibald Prize ,n - tries, they will be. on tfs- play at the Queensia nil National Art (hitters fr. m March 17 to April 3. These pictures have lion brought to Brisbane The Courier -Mail in con- junction with the Queen :- land National Art (hullers. ART WINNERS DRAW PEOPLE 1 .tr TRIO of Archibald Prize art contest entries or, The Courirr-Moil Art Panel yesterday. ( by r-