Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

Gallery plan 1101111 opinion is sought ('AIRNS: Paintings by an aboriginal. Joe Root- nes will be sent to the Queensland Art Gallery (Mellor IMr. Robert Haines) fur an opinion. They will be sent by a Townsville social worker, Mrs. J, I. Reid, who en- couraged Rootsey to take up painting when he was a patient In the Cairns Hospital. Cairns Art Society pre- sident Me R. Gelling was impressed by a dis- play of watercolours by Joe Rootsey at the Cairns Show. The pictures, Mr. Gell- ing said, portrayed a fresh and unusual conception of landscape painting. Mrs. Reid will come to Cairns tomorrow to see the display. Rootsey is still in West- wood (Central Queens- land) sanatorium. It is not known when he will return north. Mrs. Reid said today that she had found r. Palm Islander, Robert Johnson, painting interesting land- scapes, but he was not as versatile as Rootsey. Mr Pizzey, yesterday ob- tained approval for the State Government's an- nual grant to tile Art Clattery to be increased from £10.000 to 12,000. The Lord Mayor. Aid. Groom said yesterday he hoped something could be lone for the achievement of a new Art Gallery as earl of the Centenary Year projects. Mr. Nicklin said to- day that It could not he a Centenary project by the Government be- cause the Government had decided that its public building Cen- tenary project should be extensions to the Public Library in William Street. Mr. Nicklin said that a body of citizens per- haps might feel inclined to sponsor the establish- ment of a new Art Gal- lery as a Centenary project in co-operation with the Government. Brisbane, aid. Gallery respected Visitors to t h e Queensland National Art Gallery today re- ceived a pat on the bark from the director 1Mr. Robert ilainesi. Mr. Haines said: "They are extra -well behaved and that applies, too, to teen- agers who are visiting the gallery in increas- ing numbers." A Melbourne report had said that visitors to the National Gallery there left lunch wrap- pings and orange peel- ings among statues. The only criticism he could offer. he said, was that a small min- ority of people had to be restrained from at- tempting to luuelt paintings. Ed. 1904 State Cabinet next week will c o:;sider the question of establishing a cew and no rmanent Art Gallery, the Premier, Mr. Nicklin, said in Brisbane today on his return from the Cabinet meeting at Rockhampton. Tile Education Minister. An urea in the oIC Government House grounds adjacent to the Botanic Gardens has been suggested as it site for a new Art Gallery. 'Phone, MU 5133 AUSTRALIAN PRESS CUTTINGS Melbourne, Victoria From ',TELEGRAPH" Brisbane, Aid. Floral art display Thirty members of the National Gallery Society tonight will give practical demonstrations of floral compositions in a display of "Art Objects in Flowers." me society hold, a meeting at the Gallery each month Miss Galina Potaro- chin is secretary Others who will be composing art objects in flowers include Mes- dames Konrad Hirsch- feld, Geoffrey Hinder, G. S. Crouch, E. R. Cuppithige and ()conic Seamen. Those arra !IP lila POMPOSiii011, tart work at the Gallery ihis afternoon, and the rmnpleted works will iorm an esnibitim to- night. Mrs. John McPhee, .1f St, Lucia, one of the members of the so- cletY who will he taking part In the'"7 0111911S4 demonstration toight. "COURIER I/4 1 2 AUG /957 "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, aid. AIJC 136i Prize oil on show here WrIllern Dargie's portrait of aboriginal artist Albert Namothro is now on view in the Queensland Notional Art Gallery. The gallery's trustees bought the 1957 Archibald Prize-winning painting in May this year, but a condi- tion of sale was that It should be shown In Mildura (Victoria) first. The price naid Is a secret, but the portrait is believed to be one of the most exnen- lve paintings in the gallery. Overseas trip It will be sent overseas temporarily at. the end of this year for showing at an English exhibition. The gallery will house a major exhibition of Cana- dian contemporary paint- ings in October. Brisbane, aid. Art gift to gallery A valuable Gainsbor- ough portrait, painted in 17a7, hos been presented to the Queensland Nat- ional Art Gallery by Mrs. M. Graham -Brown in memory of the late Dr. R. Graham -Brown. ne animuncement last night by the chairman of Trustees of the gallery (Mr. F.. A. Ferguson) said that the portrait, entitled "John Smith, Esquire" was an oil on canvas. He said: "This gift is much appreciated and will enable the public to see alr examph. of the work of an old master, Thomas Gainsborough, R. A. -1737 to 17811-who raised portrait painting In England to is high standard. 'Oainsborough was cont missioned to paint 'John Smith by Drapers' Company in London and the painting oar: hung In Drapers' Com- pany Hall. "A duplicate" "As was often the case a duplicate portrait was painted and was at one time the property of the sitter. -Dr. Graham - Brown bought the duplicate in .ondon some years ago." Est 1904 'Phone: MU 5133 AUSTRALIAN PRESS CUTTINGS Melbourne, Victoria From "MAIL" Brisbane, QId. Art group to stage show The Half Dozen Group of Artists' annual exhibition will be opened in Centaur House at 8 o'clock to-mor- row night by Dr. Norman Behan, a trustee of the Queensland National Art. Gallery. Well-known Brisbane ar- tists will be renresented in the exhibition.