Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

From "TELEGRAPH" Brisbane, Qld. ART SHOW Dr. Belau a National Gullcry trUstee, tonita open the 170 it will the _exhibition by inliose thiet Group of Aritttlar reception r°on, at ,Cen House tnitr N. 1904 'Phone: MU .5133 AUSTRALIAN PRESS CUTTINGS Melbourne, Victoria From "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, aid. Ed. 1904 Gallery move must wait The Government could not consider a new site for the Queensland National Art Gallery until it had solved more urgent problems. the Premier (Mr. Nicklin) said last night. Dr. N. Behan, a trustee N of the atonal Art Gallery, had said It should be trans- ferred from the Museum to the Supreme Court Building in the city as soon as POP sible. Government members said last night they had been rushed by people sponsoring projects. The first year o two of the Government's terms in office would be a "bread and butter one." 'Phone; MU 5133 AUSTRALIAN PRESS CUTTINGS Melbourne, Victoria "ADVERTISER" Adelaide, S.A. Gallery Chiefs' Conference The three-day annual conference of the direc- tors of State galleries will open at the National Gal- lery on Monday. The Minister of Educe - ton (Mr. Tennison) will open the conference at 11 a.m. Those present will In- clude the Director of the Queensland National Art Gallery (Mr. Robert Haines). the Director of the National Art Gallery of NSW iMr. Hal Mission - Nationale Dirr of the Galleerycto of Vic - trio (Mr. Eric Westbrook, and the Director of the Tastnanian Museum and Art Gallery (Dr. W. Dry- den). I "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Gild. ART GALLERY; TRANSFER TO1 CITY URGED QUEENSLAND'S Na- tional Art Gallery should he transferred I from the Museum in I I Gregory Terrace to the Supreme Court building a, in the city as soon as pos. i*. slide, Dr. Norman Behan I I said last night. Dr. Behan was officially I i opening the 17th annual 7'. exhibition of the Ilalf I Ile is a trustee of the i I Dozen Group of artists In ; centaur (louse. ? I National Art Gallery, and 1 i a well-known art collet!. I ! °lie said: "The public's I I i growing interest in art is making transfer of the I I gallery to a central site I I; in the city an urgent I need'I "DEAL SITE" "i em firmly convinced E that the ideal site is the; - Supreme Court building. I "Besides having a view I of our lovely river, and i grounds suitable for; statues, the Supreme a Court building is very I f. convenient to city vial- I I cork "I understand previous State Governments have E ear -marked. the building i for an Art Gallery, and i ' the Judges themselves are anxious to move out - they are complaining about the noise." Dr. Behan said he was not speaking for the other trustees of the National Art Gallery, but as an individual art lover. mmow...................,.........,..,,,.,. Ed. (904 'Phone: MU 5133 From "TELEGRAPH" Brisbane, Qld. No shift yet l'rovision of a new site for Queensland's National Art Gallery would have to be de- ferred because of many urgent works facing the Government, the Prem- ier (Mr. Malin) said Dr. N. Behan, a trustee of the National Art gal- lery, had said It should Museumr from the , Court building in the aBY in Gregory Ter- race, to the Supreme as soon as Possible. pink Ed. 1904 'Phone, MU 5133 AUSTRALIAN PRESS CUTTINGS AUSTRALIAN PRESS CUTTINGS Melbourne, Victoria William Dargie, whose popularity and success as a portrait pointer makes him Australia's Annigoni, is in Brisbane planning a studio where he will carry out a number of com- missions. Amohg his sitters will be Mrs N aman Behan, wife of a well-known doctor, who is also a trustee of the Na9onal Art Gallery. Mr. Gargle has an- other credit in common with Annigoni. He belongs to the exclusive Mind of artists for whom the Queen has .sat. His chief delight in Her Majesty's person- ality. he said. was her great intelligence. Painting portraits is demanding work. He estimates that in his post -teat' career he has painted an average of seven portraits a year and the grand total to date Is about 100. "I like to keep the number I do a yetis' down so that I can keep Witchcondliftionotr pitta properly it is exhilarat- ing work." he said. An exhibition of Mr. Dargie's works will open at the.Mineton on- September 26. Melbourne, Victoria From "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, ClId. lLi ' "Yes, move the gallery,, nR. Behan's plea for 1- the transfer of the Queensland National Art Gallery to the Supremo Court Building is welt founded. The opportunity should not be lost to plan to meet the needs of a community already showing a strong artistic consciousness. The location of the Nat- ional Art. Gallery in the Sup- reme Court Building would create a restful cultural at- mosphere much needed in the heart of our busy city. - Another Art Lover," Clay - field. He painted the Queen