Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

"JANET MATHEWS," by JON MOLYIG. Young artist Jon Maids, born in Newcastle, N.S.W., mailed art in Sydney alter World War II, and now conducts en art wheel in Brisbane. He was a finalist last year. Page 8 from which the judges made their final selection in our 1957 Portrait Prize. Other finalists were John Rigby, an Australian now studying in Italy, Michael Kmit, and Vladas Meskenas, both of Sydney. Kalil bas been among the finalists for the past two years. Fifty paintings have been selected for hanging in our travelling exhibition. "AUSTRALIAN GIRL IN PARIS," by ALBERT TUCKER. Albert Tacker, an Australian who has been living abroad kir some years, has become well known Jo, ids parodying of artist Sidney Nolan's Ned Kelly theme. Left: "KATE HODGKIN - SON," by FRANK HODGKINSON. Sydney oast Prank Hodgkinaon was one of the 10 finalists in o r international' Portrait Prise last year. The painting Li of his young daughter. Right "LOVELY DORIS," by JAMES BOSWELL. Born in Auckland, Boswell now lives in England. "Doris," he says, "it a wonder/al character. She sells fish in local shop, and once hit a diffi- cult customer over the head with fish." i HI: AtENTRA I IAN WOMEN S WEEKLY -- OCIObrt 2