Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

re, _ - _ OUR PORTRAIT EXHIBITION OPENS QUEENSLAND ARTIST Beuy Cameron, whose "Portrait of an Old Woman" is in the exhibition, and her husband. English artist Roy Churcher, were among guests at the official opening. They were married in London two years ago. when Betty was studying abroad. They made their home in Brisbane earlier this year and have an attic studio in Ann Street. DIRECTOR of the Queensland National Gallery, Mr. Robert Raines (second from left), chatting with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cohen and Dr. Certrude I rrrrr (right). well-known art eritie. whn describe The ,,,,,"I',, Weekly Portrait Prise E.hibition lor 19%7 -"s the most exriong exhibition- store the prize was established. IT tt.I (:ONSUI. Dr. Massimo Conrad,' and his wife Hewed 1114 ',rowans with /Miss hothleen Campbell Brown (right). lecturer in French at the I'nirersit, 111 Queens- land. St... Castabb, wore a black taffeta 1.111. /ilia: suit anti 4.111,11,1 n black tar, wont i11111.. Itr AT THE P IRTY alter the official opening sherry is served to Mrs. Rob 1:111114, MIA Mrs. Ceoffrey Hayes (right). Mrs. Crolile set off her tobacco brocade frock with a gold-metal theatre hot. Sirs. Mayes wore a beige floral orlon frock. AIIS MAI IAN VoNIENIS WEEKLV November 2:. 1957 OPENING THE EXHIBITION, the Administrator. Mr. Justice Mansfield (right), commended the stimulation for local nr provided by the international entries in The Australian Women's Weekly Portrait Prise contest. Seated are, from left, the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress. Alderman and Mrs. T. R. Groom, Mrs. Edgar Ferguson, Mrs. Alan Mansfield, wife of the Administrator, and Mr. Edgar Ferguson. chairman of trustees of the Gallery. MORE than five hundred guests thronged the Queensland National Gallery when the Administrator, Mr. Justice Mansfield, opened The Australian Women's Weekly Portrait Prize Exhibition for 1957. It was one of the largest crow& ever to attend a function at the Gallery, ..hick had h., rearranged by the Director, Mr. Robert Haines, to show off to advantage the paintings selected by the judges from more than 400 entries for the £2000 award. The exhibition will continue daily, and from 2 p.m. until 5 p.m. on Sundays, until December 8. Focal points of interest are William Dobell's prize-winning portrait of Helena Rubinstein and Vilma Kotrbova- Vrbova's portrait, "Eva With Drawing," which won the prize for the best portrait by a woman. PORTIl Ill of Janett Mathews. by Jan .Molrig. is studied by the artist foal Mrs. Reg Mathews. who sat for the portrait. Mrs. Mathews attended the exhibition with her husband and wore a brilliant Lido.hlue here, with her olire-toned frock and a shoulder posy of blue flowers. STUDYING THE CATALOGUE. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Murphy, of Ascot, who were among she guests at the sherry party which followed the official opening of the exhibition. JAW STUDENT lirigidine Behan viewed the exhibition with her father, Dr. Norman Behar,. a trustee of the Queensland National Gallery and a well-known art collector. Page 15 4.2444r..s.