Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

"COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Qld. nrr "TELEGRAPH" Brisbane, Qld. 7 FOUR COLLECTIONS ON SHOW AT THE NATIONAL GALLERY FOUR collections of art now on display at the Queensland National Art Gallery, Gregory Terrace, ore probably as high in standard and interest as any ever exhibited in Queensland. From "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Women honoured TWO Queensland women received awards In the New t'ear's Iliononnt 11.1st. They are Miss Frances Vida Lahey. one of the State's best-known artists, and Mrs. Lillian Amy llinchlitre Sewell, formerly private secretary to Lady Lavarack, wife of the late Governor. Roth were made Mem- bers of the Order of the British Empire, MISS I.AllErS award Was "for having rendered great service ti, the ad- vancement of art in this State." A member of the Lahey family of ('anungra, Miss Lahey studied art in Mel- bourne and In Europe. Miss Lahey. of St. Lucia, was a foundation member of the Australian Academy Of Art, and was awarded the Society of .trusts' Medal hi In15. She was also Joint founder of the Queensland Art Fund, which raised considerable sums of money' fur the Queensland Nat' I .trt Gallery, and is a member of the Queens- land Art Society. MRS. SEWELL was private secretary to Lady Lavarack from the time Sir John Lavarack took office as Governor of Queensland In litle until June last year, when the Lavarack's moved to Burterim. In her Ei years at Gov- ernment House. Mrs. Sewell played an Import- ant "behind the scenes" role in helping to arrange big formal receptions con- nected with occasions like the Queen's visit in 11154. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.011111111.1111111.01111111 "TELEGRAPH" Brisbane, Qld. The painting is unuer- !stood to he a well-known Australian work. It is expected to arrive ul Brisbane snow and tut announcement will be made by e cair- ! nut ti the (Mr. Ralphfund Dobshon, It is the first ork of fur 12 Years- The collections cover drawing, painting, and child art. They are: ill The ex- hibition of the work of chit - Moen attending the Queensland National Art Gallery Creative Art Classes, 1857. t3.1 The L. J. Harvey Drawing Cowell- lion, 1957. (3i The Henry CameIli Richards Memorial Prize Competition, 1957. 141 The Australian Women's Weekly Portrait Competition, 1957. The Creative Art Exhibition, in my opinion, should be seen by as many people an possi-0 ble. so that they may observe the sound lines upon which these children are being led towards appreciation In art. The Harvey Drawing Com- petition is a display of draw- ing by some of our best artists in black and white and other media. The Richards Memorial Prize Competition includes landscapes and seascapes of subjects of general interest to Queenslenders. Tasteful The work in the Portrait Competition includes art of some of the best painters in Australia and work by some international artists. The por- traits are of great interest to the public. The trustees of the Gallery, in accordance with their policy, arrange these exhibi- tions and invite the public to see them withoutcharge. People who have seen ex- hibitions in other States have informed the trustees that 'they consider the hanging of the exhibitions here is not only more tasteful, but mere attractive than that elsewhere. -E. A. Ferguson. Chairman of Trustees. "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Qld t MILDEW ON PICTURES IT is mouldy weather now for the Queens- land National Art Gal - 'cry as its pictures catch mildew from the damp and humidity. The gallery director Mr. Robert Haines) said yester- day: "We're always bothered here by this problem of mildew forming on the pic- tures." IDirector of the National Art Gallery in Sydney (Mr. Hal Missingham o said at the week -end: "Mildew ... this, place is like a cheese far- tory.- I Mr. Haines said every art gallery in the sub -tropics without air - conditioning would be troubled with mould. especially In the pres- ent weather. "This is all the mare reason why Queensland !weds a new and suitable gallery for the Safe 1111(1 adequate housing of its works' of art," he said. VALUABLE PAINTING IS FUND GIFT TO GALLERY A valuable oil painting is to be presented to the Queensland Art Gallery by lite trustees of the Sir John Chandler appreciation fund. art to be taughtfor the g Mery front the interest learned by about, I5.000 subscribed by Brisbane iapeople to 11 fundS in ap- PreciatIon of ir John Chandler's service Lord Mayer of Bits ati:0 mow], IC:. .6:7:;te entire g,1),,,, 2)11. all (.1.11;1111!Ognrf!li.attiOlnth DAv-c-'s THREE "MAIL" Brisbane, Qld. I r.. ' 3000 Visit art displays Marc than 3000 peoplee Ve a treacly visited th QueenslandNat tonal Art Colliery to view four ex- 11:lations on display there. are selections from the Henry Casell1 Richarchr V 1\lemorlal compettt t 1951 L. J. HaeVey Memorial competition. a special p hil- ur- itan. exhibition and a dren's creative art exhibi- norl%-clay is the last day ot this exhibition. and 1n. will eget morrow the gallery for three days, andrman selec- ent, tion from the pe collection will be re -hung. "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Qld. Gallery posts Election of officers to the National. Gallery Society of Queensland has resulted: Pres4ent, Mr. E. R. Cup- paidge: secretary, Miss Gal- ina Potarorhin: treasurer, Mr. G. W. Watson. From "WOMEN'S WEEKLY," 1959Sydilev. N.S.W. t 0 - w MANY Australian and New Zealand galleries would like to see the travelling ex- hibition of entries in our art prize. However, we've had to say "thank you for your interest," hut there aren't enough months in the year. With the exhibitions at the National Galleries in the six Australian States and also at Canberra, we've only time to wind up one art competition before the next one is on its way. But we say thank you to galleries in Auckland, Aunt - dale, Ballarat, Launceston, l,ismore, Newcastle, and Wagga for asking. Incidentally, our 1958 art price, which closes on August 30, has attracted a lot of at- tention overseas. As already announced, this year an additional section has been added. As well as por- traits, there is a section for subject paintings, which have to depict some aspect of con- temporary life and contain at least three figures. Judging from the reception overseas, this new section is proving popular with artists.