Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

"COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, 611d. "TELEGRAPH" Brisbane, Qld. 10 Ai Q CHILI)UEENSLAND ART IS POPULAR IN SYDNEY THE EDITOR WORK done by the children from the art class at the Queensland Art Gallery has been shown, and admired, at a number of exhibitions in Sydney. These shows have been et the work wen again shown. Anthony Horderns, Grace More exhibitions at country Bros., and also at the Fes- centres are planned for next tival of Youth, at Merrick- month. villa, an exhibition which ties part of a week's festivi- A mural done by the pupils on behalf of youth or- of the class attracts great in- ganisations there. More re- tritest- (Mrs.) M. Kenspster, eently at Cahill's Bestow- sh .32 MiddlSydney.eton west, r eter- unt, In Pitt Street, Sydney, am. "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, ow. 9 AN 1°5' Israeli art at Gallery MELVILLE NAIVSOM An exhibition of the work of Israeli painters is on view at t Queensland National Art Gallery in Gregory Terrace. It has been arranged --- Some of the paintings I found attractive are' Isaac Amitat's Musical by Israel and the Austra- lian State Galleries for :flowing throughout Aus- tralia as part of the cele- bration of Israel's tenth anniversary. In this collection of paintings by people who have studied in various parts of the world but who now are resident in Israel, no trace of a national outlook can oe found. This IS to be ex- pected. But there is plenty of evidence of a very healthy interest in art. The color in general is lively but well con- ditioned. and craftsman- , Also pleasing are the ship of a high order. wood -cuts and gouache There is a diversity of paintings by Miron approach and it Is here Jacob Steinhardt. Yonah that, a diversity of ap- Mnch and Mordechal Predation will be found. Levanon. ART REVIEW By DR. GERTRUDE LANGER Land of Israel inspires paintings on exhibition a N exhibition of Israeli Painters is open now until July it at the Nailp_nal " Gallery. The painters originated from many different lands and largarreceived their training in Paris and other European art centres. Yet most of the work la I a ahow the distinct idea- His "Dead Sea in the Sum- tintvd of their author. mer" c beautifully from directly inspired by the As in any other group show, it great distance. some of the work leaves us Of other oils one may single Indifferent, but there is a out those by Arich Lubin, a The prevailing trend ts to gond percentage of interest- quiet, post-Cezenne lyricist, abstract from nature rather Ing paintings: Isaac Amital s "Jerusalem Abstractions" by than towards purely non- truly music -evoking "Musical Shlomn Vandenberg, and objective art. and "Jeru- Composition" with its serene Johanan Slmon's pristine :intern," "Sated," "The Sea of pattern of interwoven flat "Rocks in the Negev." Galilee," and so forth, are re- shapes, and the same painter's * curring themes. "Oriental Rug"-a harvest * song in yellow to orange -red Shimshen Holzman, mortis - chromatic scale; Ruth Sam- that Avoid and Nahum Gut - Abstraction is mainly of a berger's "Reindeer" and her man take full advantage of romantic and lyrical kind. One bewitching "Isabelle" - the water colour as a medium for also notices an absence of vitality is entirely in the expressing the artist's hand- pessimism and of "catastro- handling. writing. In Gouache paint - pine" art, found these days so * I logs by Jacob Elsensherleru- much elsewhere. i salem and Emil Karem become Zvi Mairovich is an invert- While major innovation to live and poetical abstraction- exultant, fantasies full of not . In evidence, there Is little . , seemingspontaneity movement and colour. that, looks contrived or forced. and sudden colour changes In a series of fine woodcuts The three paintings allotted are exceedingly well con- "The Net" by Mimi Sims I each individual are consistent trolled. i stands out. land of Israel. "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Qld. I Ali 1t.07 To show art of Bessie Gibson AN exhibition of paint- ings by Queensland artist Miss Bessie Gibson- now aged 90 and living at Toowong-will be opened in the Print Room at the Queensland National Art GallerY- to-night. The exhibition is being ar- ranged by the National Gallery Society.e president (Mr. Russell Cuppaidgei at 8.15 p.m. Most of the paintings have been lent by people in Bris- bane and one is coming from la country home. Miss Gibson went abroad for two years with a return ticket-but she didn't come back to Australia for 42 years, The exhibition will remain at the Gallery for about two weeks. Miss Gibson will visit It and have morning tea with members of the National Gallery Society on Thursday. se RIER MAIL" Brisbane, Aid. Give £500 prize for portrait A f500 centenary art competition will be adver- tised through art galleries throughout Australia, and possible overseaA. It will be for a painting in its of a prominent Queens- ander. A condition of the corn- etition will be that the remit be presented to the ueensland Art Gallery. A committee headed by Mr. 0. V. Morris met last night and drew up condi- tions which will be referred to the next meeting of the Centenary Executive Coin - mittee. 'SUN" Melbourne, Vic. £500 art prize to Victoria 11018BANE, Sun. - Vlc- to n artist Lindsay Edwilifli has won the £500 first prize for the best wall decoration design in Queeensland's Centenary Year competitions Brisbane sculptor Leon- ard Shillain won the .C200 prize for the best sculpture design for use on the ex- terior of 1959 Centenary Year extensions to Bris- bane's Public Library. Composition. and Syna- gogue; Mordechal Avniel's Galilee Landscape; Audrey Bergner's Etat Hod, and Fish; Nahum Gutman's Old Olive Trees; Zvi Mairovich's Cactus Blossoming on a Hedge, and The Dend Sea in Summer: Crete 1;:r aka tier -Wolf 's Shells; Samuel Ovadiahu's Seed III; Dan Hoffner's Flower Girl; and Ruth Bain- berger's Tiberius. "ADVERTISER" Adelaide, S.A- 4 S.A. Names i'.\ NItEltli.k, dour II. Mr. N. E Forster, of 1,11,, 1,,,,,i,,,,,,1 in - Tranmere, has neon mode .,I en MHE tor valuable ser- ,Iiiiles irwarils for foul* vice to the Commonwealth s,itilli A ust milieus mut as honorary chairman of `. 'tresigh.nt . Ige19V5i,3o-55 Store Board iMmeestsorrs. R. . th7e. CNanaitplobnealli ceiftivBdEb's yhaye also been re-. Capt. N. H. Mar - Glen Iris, Vic., have re - graphs in SA, now living at tor of Posts and Tele- nioildinfidawn Gallery of SA, and S. cflhenaigoef ofW aAyrymilyie, Cnotcyumin. Fountain, a former three- OdSsrr.clejrkTSilocrha3d. r Squad on, .works 01 Mr. Campbell was ap- pointed director of the National Gallery in 1951, having been the first direc- tor of the Queensland Na- tional Gallery before that. He was born in Edin- burgh, and came to Aus- tralia in 1916, giving his first show in Melbourne in 1928. He spent four years travelling and utinting in (construction), No. 23 Con- struction Squadron. WO Tuolty received his award for his work when commanding the army flood relief detachment at Renmark during the 1956 River Murray flood.. Another MBE recipient is the Rev. P. W. Albrecht, resident Springs, formerly superintendent of the FInke River Mission Inc Europe ils water burg for 30 years. Aborigines at Hermanns- g colors are represented in every State gallery In He was born in Russian Australia. educated at Hermannsburg Poland in 1894 and was 50 years' service with the Mr. Fountain completed (Germany) and Dubuque RMO's department before US, graduating in theo- since 1949. and hr et Adelaide,, tors, I o vicesyi isi n in aul9a2pr4dr. omwaostinfoar steir, the since of the aborigines . of Central Australia. _ . "MAIL" Brisbane, Qld. 6 JUL 18Sb Exhibition Paintings CANBERRA visitors in Brisbane last week were Mr. and Mrs. C. A. F. Dundas. Dundas. who Is Brit sit Cnuuril adviser' to the United Kingdom High ConuntZ:- ocr, cume to Quern:sta. oollnil people in Ilie illdticat inn De- luwinent, ALL Clatter v, and schools with who::: the BittiAl Council ha, tirJhui, - He travelled as far ii i'h Towcts, He told me the British Council would 111111g an n(1111)111.12 of cow emporaly British Paintings to Austin - Ilia al The end of this year, and lineht possibly arrange no An,trnitiot !Pettus, tour front Cambridge thlivrrsilY. !or n distingolsheit S1111)1 iv I.