Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

"MAIL" Brisbane, 01. NCW POIrd for 41i4billery si llporl rail.1111111 Slob ig has been bought 1)3' the National Gallery Society of Queens- land fur presentitt to the minnuncing this on Fri- wink in the National Art day, the society's pre:.trient, (ialleries ut Rodney, M(1- Mr. E. it. Cupptialget said bourne. Perth. and Brisbane. thud the painting would be He returned titan Europe foilually handed of et' it, Illy in 1952 and started a private Onllery Inistees in tom. fur tun school In Brisbane in the exhibition of interiors, 19511 He is still living in Past and Present, which will lira, Mine. be open to ilir public at theThe National (itillery tincensland Art (inners next soriety i (1,,siami IliiirsdaS' formed sit years ago to The (Milers director tMr.help tio, gallery. Robert Haines) said lie rionsidereil ',Tr (.n19)111(110' sold It hail portrait one of 3101vig's A 1110111It',,thilt t4 350. It work iniprtae artantes functions anti ex works." hibitIons, has bought equip - intuit for the gallery. as steel The other Is a portrait of Paid Beadle, and hangs in with gallery publielittons. the Melbourne Art Gallery. iitin1 contributed toward the Jon Molvie. who was horn Plirelltit'e or Paintings. in Newcastle 'N SW.) in 'Pte gallery will he closed 1923, and studied in Sydney, 1111111 Tuesday for re-patnt- England, and Europe, has ing and re -arrangement. "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, aid. GALLERY TO OPEN NIGHTS The Oueenstand National Art Gollory will be open it nights for the public exhi- bition of Sir Winston Chur- chill's peintines, starting on September I The exhibition of 341 paint. 'cgs will end on September 21. it will he the first time In more than three years that 'he antlers has been opened nt night. Last time was for the ex- hibition of "French Painting To -day," when there wits a record attendance of 90,000. "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Gild. Churchill liaintiv la,,,re 152eNi vivek THIRTY-SIX paintings by , I r.t,'i,i,,.ilri slit ant% :1;tilliit'i,iiei,-,,,.. ol Crosiers and the world's most fam- 3b nl ous anicIetir artist, Sir Winston Churchill, Fill be "ini'..I'leier thseitptIcit're-I:illlainruhenl'iefor the on public " in eriSharle ;1, ' ,,,L, at the touring esti bltion The "ie lanai Art 39th, a picture of boats in a from neat Thursday, Sep- Q,,,,, Gritl,n, ''',' W. inesday. Prrinharbour, is on loan ember 11. The inct tires comprt P a ISto,1 of I he paintings are from the Prime Minister travelling rs.htlitttiiiin iclich londirdnes. otueapes. and .Mr NV11711'5.1. "TELEGRAPH" Brisbane, Qld. UT Mil Churchill's paintings good in any company Sir Winston Churchill remains a great mon even in his moments of relaxation. This is demonstrated by the exhibition of 36 of his paintings at the Queensland National Art Gallery. Some of the works Churchill's sense of the exhibited would hold Ipletorlal is good, and so their own in any corn- 'is his drawing. His tech - party. no matter who ' Moue is fair. but on ocea- painted them. attract. The exhibition is being I Sir Winston chose 35 Presented to the people or of the paintings .himself Queensland under the for the touring exiiiin- .11o,n,. which already hits, sponsorship of the Com- ttiindittttiqii I. i,.11 etettcot ow c(s..:11:.,I.Juic. monwealt ls Government, anti will be open to the :i" public from 10 ant to 9: 1.1, :milt of in PM each day from to- French oh loan morrow for a week. from the Pi inh Monsiel, - Mr. Menziet, The exhibition will be ginned tothnlit by Not Fditcallon Mulish.' Mr. l'aicy -Melville Illaysollit ORNATE furnishings of the Victorian Room being arranged at the Queens- land National Art Gallery yesterday for the exhibi- tion of furniture and fur- nishings, post and present, which will open to-do , "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Gild. SkP Has helped art here A MAN who has helped to make art In Queens- land a public recreation and responsibility, is pic- tured on The Courier -Mall Art Panel this week and next week. Ha is Mr. M. 8, Herring, honorary treasurer to the Queensland National since 1932. His fellow trustees commissioned his portrait In oils from Victorian art - 1st A. D. Colquhoun, this sear, to show their appre- ciation of his long service In art. The picture now forms part of the National Art Gallery's permanent col- lection. A. D. Colquhoun is the son of a holed artist, and studied first In Victoria, and later In Paris. He has exhibited In Paris and London, on some occasions lointly with his wife, who Is also a painter. 11111.1111111111111111111111111111111111/111111111111111111111111.1111111,