Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

"TELEGRAPH" Brisbane, Qld. thurchil 1/4-110,t'''a s art A special plane yesterday brought Sir Winston Churchill's :16 paintings to Bris- bane for exhibition at the Queensland Art Gallery. ' the exhibillon will be opened tomorrow night by the Minister for Education. Mr. rizzry, and will he open to the public al 10 a.m. on Thursday and each day from 10 a.m. to 0 p.m. for a urek. Here, gallery assist- ant George lsted. of Red Hill, unpacks Churchill's St. Jean - Cap Fermi, CHURCHILL'S PAINTINGS SHOW HIS CHARACTER ON F. It:trill3 eau eurel I hal %1 install (' Int reli i II 111.' wajalee ... 1)). al (lie sante genius as Churchill the it:Ilion:11 liItiler, ..nealier, a 11(1 is Hi Pr. II I, 1 ,C111 , ilt111111,11,,t :Ital ;.:.,,,I, 1,.,',. 1,1,1...t1 In l'.16, ll ... ......... Man }.11milt1 tdil 1,, LI, t an .1111,4, , hall t 4 Ilai 111 i11- inaliv v111, and a, II., i-ART REVIEW ,...k. :1, 1. 111.1:1, 01,11 ,,, 11.111110, ,t .t 111,1,bt 011,1 I GERTRUDE L.ANGER5, till 11 t. I t. ,'.1,, .1,- , 41. cli 111 -it. kil 4,.. ',Ill, :11.0 . t101ii . 1 l','I I, Ili, in,.! 111.1 1,, 1,1 '11,-, lodittlill,, II.' ,,n1,..si, 1. 1511111 .1 . V II 11 ,I; -., 1,,,1: Ilk,' ..11,, 0 1., .111 III rinlitilit :or dke.k111...2. "It II, Li...tithilt ,101, .1111.0,ii 11.1111101 -11110 Ltill di I .1 ii LIIII., 6 ..1,11 II, SIIII., I :... I I ;0111.1 I 11.1: III, 11IIII-I. I.II (1IIIII 11111 III 1 itillI.I.. III I' Ifill NI .III., II. ' ' rIrk 1,M.' , ... : II lk - ',A I VC 111,1 II II 1111 III fri II,. III r \I[li0..' k:. ' WI: ,. :!1, 140 ,ipirmo .0.1.1,0[:., t .0:I 1,1 ti, ,iild 110111 - in :1 SIII, 6111, (11 t.. ',I,'.; .II, 1,11, i oliliit11.11 ',. IS- ".1111110 dm, In'til,ItI . .111ri -V0Ilir, .10. 1 0 1 1.1-I r... ....- ...... )).....1.. ... .. 1,.. ....m. ..1 I I:. ...,',... .... n),.'"! .III, ar... 31 Ilk.,' has been ',nand) ., ..1 II! 1,.'.. v.:11- 11'1: ''',''.''' .0111'. 1111.1 31111 ...,...r.111.-11.41 In ,1 !Ha whirl) ...): 11111,11 1, ,,Iii' a 1,111,11 11111 for iii' '1 lir ilitIn'l, _,. 1 1,1 1 I 1,.1,1 i 1., ,,j,,i, 111,111 di,. arte. 'I 1).- .) it'll,. Ti's, 'k 1 P,`. I .1 ., 1'1 I...I 1' I H 'II I 1,,,,, el i one !rot: 4 fr.r ,..,mra'hi, rilfl,r1 ' r: ..,,,, . hr. NIIL11 ' M r,,,,,, , 3, tlf The '1..rR,"^I of ,i1r, iron iii ;Me! ri...- .-,* , en 31,1 Na 1y, ,. (:1:',":-. FL! R In. ha patritirigs, one sill find "1.a7rence Farm. Valli night.. Winniess new 1,74 Sir IS i1.11111 I 1111,11111 4.1-..1.10.11 .111.11111, 11.1,111 tin',' .11 1.1' "11 11.1111111.!,'. ii uer1,1 ,1.on ,1 Nlit.11;11 111 I, III .1111 1,111115III 4.4. It --More 1 11.141 51111 I III' I, 1..I. 1.. -1.1 ga il, I. Thr lia1411111L:, lull "II II, /1,1 - the 1,151 1. .-