Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

11116111 SNEAK PREVIEW for Joanne Norris, 2, and her sister Gail, 4, as the paintings by Sir Winston Churchill were unpackeFI at the Queensland Art Gallery yesterday. The exhibition will be officioll oened of the gallery to -night. "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, 611d. f (:4-p 1,458 Open till 9 p.m. Q1101'1151011(1 National Art IislL v ti:istee Mi yesterday the yalict v would be open to the public. till 9 each inglit otivilic the display 01 Si; Winston Churchill's paint - int:, lit Brisbane over the nest week. The display was of tad:illy opened by the Edu- cation Minister' :Mr. Pizcey: last nicht THE II OHLD OF MIT World quest for "new look" gallery Wirths' Olympia site, where the new National Gallery will be built. All buildings except the Trocadero have been cleared. By ALAN McCULLOCH, The Herald Art Critic THE National Art Gallery and Cultural Centre Building Committee plans an international contest soon to decide the design of Melbourne's new gallery on the Wirths' Olympia site. The Queensland Gov- ernment has already announced that it will conduct an inter- national contest for a de- sign for the new State Gallery of Queensland: '-' ro--tfic recent inter- national competition for the design of Sydney's new opera house certainly started something. A UST RALIA IT WOULD SEEM IS COM- ING INTO ITS OWN ALL ALONG THE CUL- TURAL FRONT. Such worthwhile enter- prises on the part of State Governments and asso- ciated bodies should do much to lessen the bad effects of our inadequate representation in recent World's Fairs and at the Venice Biennale. The (Pi -acre Wirths' site, at the natural gate- way to the city, was set aside for a cultural centre in 1048. Business interests have since attempted to muscle in on the territory but, fortunately, such attempts were foiled. MELBOURNE'S new gallery will be the first great public building to be erected in Victoria for more than 80 years. Considered as the axis of a trio of constructions which include the nearby Myer Music Bowl, already taking shape. and the pro - dosed City Square oppo- site St. Paul's. the gallery represents the most exten- sive building pfoject of its kind in Australia. Collectively, the trio will transform the whole ap- le:trance of Melbourne. At present. the Wirth - Olympia site is In we( of 'being cleared for a Car lark. and kinks a mess. But to people of percep- tion it symbolises the dawn of a new era in Aus- tralian art, an era of new cultural ideas and oppor- tunities. ENVISAGED as a functional nerve centre the gal- lery will provide facili- ties for education and information through tele- vision, films. libraries and lecture halls, as well as picture galleries and out- door spaces for the dis- play of sculpture. It is intended that all these will be incorporated in a building which in itself will constitute a work of art, The whole enterprise should promote higher General standards of liv- ing. IT MIGHT EVEN, IN THE COURSE OF TIME. GIVE SOME REAL GROUNDS FOR THE REMARKS OF THOSE UNOBSERV- A N T TRAVELLERS WHO ACCLAIM THEIR NATIVE MELBOURNE ALREADY "ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTI- FUL CITIES IN THE WORLD."