Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

3EP 195+ Sailing Boats the Harbor at Antibes, a paint- ing by Sir voltam' Churchill given to the Prime Minister, Mr. Menzies, held the attention of Judy MeKeering' of Rainworth, at the opening day of a snowing of Churchill paintings at the rwiltiMnalA,AGo.Hery todar*-,gh-e-ginho, of g6 paintings will eontlnue fora week. "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Gild. ARCHIBALD MAN IN C -M PANELMelbourne TWO landscapes and a portrait by st W. l- B. McInnes, winner of the first Archibald Prise, sirs now hanging on The Courier -Moil Art Panel. McInnes, who was born in, 1099 and died in 1939, was nine years. one of Australia's most popu- Memorial exhibitions of his tar portrait painters during works were held in Mel - his lifetime. bourne and Sydney after hit, He was awarded the first death. The painf-Ings now Archibald Prize for portrait- on view have been lent by 1921, and won it live the Queensland National Art moretimes in the following Gallery. "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Qld. 18 SEP iJa 1 Eisteddfod art contest QUEENSLAND Centenary Eisteddfod Committee yesterday announced a /500 art competition, in two sections. PorttRitare prize will be £300 and the landscape one will be £200. Portraits must. be in oils of some man or woman dis- tillgUished in arts, letters, science, religion, medicine, social work, defence, com- merce and industry: or in Federal, State, or local gov- ernment. Landscapes IMIst, be of Australian scenery, and may be In oils or water-colours, with a painted area of not less than 500 square inches. Competition is open to artists of any country, but the works must have been painted In the 12 mouths before February 9. 1959. Entry forms and full de- tails will he available at art galleries, art agents. music stores. and front the com- mittee organiser ,Mr. C. M B. van fionnighl, care of Ilse Queensland National Art Gallery. 5) ';EI) 1954 Churchill's record tilt SIR Winston Churchill may break Queensland National Art Gallery records. "- Nearly If -00 people tester - clay passed through the Pl- iny to see Sir WinatonS teemobner 39 oil paintings, which will b e2x1Iyibltion until Sep - The gallery direetot .Mr.' R. Haines' said there -was a possibility that the gallery's, record attendance fora week would be broken. The present record is al-, most 10.000, set during French Painting To -day hibition four years ago. The paintings are on show from 10 aim. to 9 p.m on week days. from 10 a.m to 5 p.m. on Saturday and from 2 p.m to 5 pm. on Sunday. . SEP lnrc Pictures not attracting The exhibition of Sir Winston ChurchillpaItings by at the National Art Gallery had' not created as much interest as expected, said icAay, a spokesman After a good yesterday, first-day crowd figures fell sharply today and this afternoon only a few score had visited the exhibition. "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, QId. sEe 1850 Wants ettrs in gallery AN Art Gallery that in - eluded exhibitions of clothes, and even cars, would be a wonderful thing for Brisbane, the Notional Art Gallery Dir- ector 1Mr. Robert Haines) said yesterday. He told the QIIMISIAVICI WOMCWS Electoral League lunchenn that the real pur- pose of an art gallery was In educate and direct public t ant e. "1 Tema(' have an art gallery cnntainIng every -nay things 611Ch RS clothes. be` CRWP I hallf'N'a that Bris- bane people need educating. particularly in these things," he said Mr. Haines condemned the tact that galleries In Australia. and overseas, had given the impression that art consisted only of sculp- ture and painting. i -file same principles at line and proportion that apply to sculpture. apply to your bats." he said. "TELEGRAPH" Brisbane, Qid. EVERY DAY ART at the QtSe)e'n'km slotIcl W omen's l'eutoral L e E luncheon today, M. cc - Robert Haines. (In tor of the (itieenslatityd Notional s ..11 vas an l-essentt. t. oat evrydaye living. par "MAIL" Brisbane, Qld. 4 SEP I9 tVinnie's new win Sir plosion (11111,11in ,'racked allailiPr record yes- terday, The exhibition or hi 36 oil paintings al Queensland National .hot drew 11,5011 tillechltotS its a week -more I aborts the previous record al the gallery. The iminlings will ht 1111 view A:0 -lite last day of the exhibition -- from 2 pm]. to 5 1).M. 1.