Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

nets ago People t roweled armind each of the :Ili paintiliqs all Ilii .,meaner. Pile Pictures will !raw. to- mil for nimaturne, and the gaiter) will be vlo,.1.41 41-(13). 111- 111411ToW. lilt liESICAS Sir. Ilatnrs said the 0 gallery wolild -0p111 nn n 1.11 114.411:0 w1111 a Ills- Illa V of juries of S4.11111 - lore and Wall dectirali4111 designs which %%err 401.01 from entries in the competition for de - sums for Inc iiristra Puldir 1.1brar). Ylr. I.. Edward, of 1.11W NNW: Victoria, won ;Jou tor ins Wall 414.4.01.4tioll 41,101, :old L. Shillaip, Jf Itrigh- ton, ()111.1.11sla 1111. W1)11 (lie E'200 sculpture mire. pt "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Qld. URCFIILL'S ART SEEN BY 25,000 A iti:(.(mi) ,,,,,,d of 1111111 people in there ,11 Iv Sir NVinsiiin Churchill's paiiiiiiitts nn the rluc.inC flay id' .krt 1;31Ier. gaiter) initerior - 1Ile ern I Mi. it. 11;1111,, .Aid th1 dflititill,sMilell n. 1 Ilf. 1 01.1 I Al lelitlalici of '15- t.tivernmenl 1111'arr) 11111 111111In r! 4111. Ill,111.1 111 their %mirk. sta. a record. Ile The I mvermor ISlr fill.C1111 pcoph salt the Hello .hel cudlh. %Oil four-..i.k rvbibiUunof 01101 the 1.%1111111 ion on 1.. pain lint., four conesoav ai lernoon whim tite ercimer , sir. will present lip. i ascards. The show svIll hr open In the public (ruin , sills for Iwo verks. "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Qld. TABLES FOR ALL OCCASIONS THI.' .01.,8,1, ..1 fll I% -e't ,wale sinit bollte C.,111t.t. s tat chi tot lie Rrt-h III!' 3,1 o 10 'able -;r"1111 rx- IMW clil rhe vxhtblt inn roan I, Isrd and 0:101'.C1,1 Pil 1.1.4-1,.. 24 mernbot of the t al f opened vest ) The 14 tables til hr Mrieed 01 3 p m Wernte- day flrInhc,r he LAM' Maven rt, Mrs T Ft di roam' Fled the Direr yr. of Na emyl Art , r 13,thert I, it, ',II I 11.1,1 I 1,11 AO I 1..1'7; 111 I . ; I. 0 iScS Ali 11111 ,lure{ In "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Qld. 6t:rio "COURIER MAIL" Jobs already in mind for Alex FRINCESS ALEXANDRA will be a..ked to open the enlarged and transformed Queens- land Public Library during her Centenary visit next year. h will ii-i .4 III. 11,\1 1111141.: I.. 111.1 GI I1.1.1.1'111 Pt, . At!'hit' it 1 nfl r t t, trot, al rill Art Ii. ill dm in., Ile a.nrrled tit I hueInt.- t . for t ho ! dot I) 1'1,, l't,t, lltot gs Ain. A. Ire !..Ic it Jr; al nr- ,u,rerl .1...r, wort.: lot 'lc hroiro )1, g 1 I' t op, h , me ft ,m tin on, , Library schedule 1131,1 thls stMethile lot' t he 11111 ary )0: Cnr volt; hricit h farm:: !--!: reel t li n June: N,Yv lotct hre hall Insid lie Ill111Clin...! to he 1-111ishec October 31: New library to h r, lor fu!I use He (.W1(1,011111, wer now near', tinislyrcl. A con tract for the slllpe r.'1 of lir would br Itt within the mod fortnight dwien winner I Ind- 1;r1warri, wild flew Iron) Mellattanc In recoil e hl L5(111 cheque. plans r h:r.r. his ,11111. by 1.1 I t ahsi ray, mural lanslied by the rod tit Feb' miry, Queensland culp! ii, 1,ron- to31 :SIMI= who \von £200 sculpture prier. will work 10 a flay (1,11(111114, (111 his symbolic wall group 'The noverntsr !Sir f-Inr. Abel Sim? h , opened an ex- hibition of entr;rs f..r the 1,11): arc wall 6cc,tra lion and sculpture rompeit ion. Brisbane, Qld. ART REVIEW by DR. GERTRUDE LANGER library d cl,inl.1'titn n for a 111111 &coral ion r 11,1 a ir.1,11.,,,A,NI It All ex! cnsi, ,n to ,hr ruhltr Irin 1,1 Cc in VIM' pin - ow, ate 1111'., 1,11 \ 01 I 11P 4111 ;.1 111,1-V a 114.r and tit- great cope and opp,trtuillY "tier. I,1 th . it ninn7ing cne.a! rp owl .4r part In thus tt s n 11.1 n oliOr ,1 betly'r r11111 of I here 111,1111 11, -"red woe one of !Ile ont, SUITABLE 011at ft lihllta Ill of Rna- 1alle the prier for fl i:11,1111c v:1111,0 ,4,1111),1011,11 Hb! ht, de -1211 IS nloSt voNs1 111 lid ,unable for I114, 11111.11oSe 'three V1011 14:1 led :0141(11111v .re:wis rays of nieei:ng at sharp anOct. and art't 1111 III A beaU- 11111'0 ,hlllunnal air -1811. The tutu. will 11e east. ii. lu:ht a 111111 11 1 111111 alloy and a 11 a v a few inclIgs ham Ihr 1:,11. as to give a feel - in;: WV!, h' le, floating. Tho ;1st Will 11 11117 II 11-7., -MO1, ii it l Tio".:nning rieriell for a roll ilrc,1tu,Snn by OlelboilrIi .1:11 I Lino, Edward t. I ,,011111, :fled ano I or? decorit tiyr.1IS!Ulrt- SYMBOLIC AI, r\r1I inlet ci la main alocrl tiler 'lie whole huge ...pa, of the facade Oil lino; iline lot alIV single part. Thu reset at ef fro will he fine, but i strong. wnen 1,1 1 1.11.(1 out ill MOSAIC .!.111111,11,-A Mi.:011112 of "el tecIll anti clopmein " tin It 11-1 s own words. deco not e11s11) stiggcst 1)11; fhr ,t 1'1 1.,11. malt of 'hr de- sign is 1) 11 limit doubt. A1111,111: I1,1, m hr ill 10;1 0- .'1;4 II,. th,,t. Iduhdrrs and f;let,,on .tend (hie tin+ v .11, men, ion the Mbar, of Neville Matthews and Max Angus. which. how- rVel, woulrl tint boar mnnu menial enlareemenl, and No, ft Ion All 11,,1.