Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

OUR 1958 ART AWARDS E250 AWARit W tryryEtt PHVL WATERHOUSE, of Melbourne, was awarded the Mite of EED1 for the best subfeet imbuing by a ostssisms. The entry, "Marketing Group," will be reproduced he saw hs moat wash's Woe. JUDGING PANEL. Judges of oar 1958 Art Prise are the Directors of the State Art Galleries hi the capital hies. Pictured here inspecting an entry are, from left, Dr. W. Rryden, Robert; Mr. Robert Campbell, Adelaide; 'Mr. Prank Norton, Perth; Mr. Erie Westbrook, Melbourne; Mr. Hal Missinghem, Sydney; and Mr. Robert Raines, Brisbane. By NONI ROWLAND The winners of The Australian Women's Weekly Art Prize, 1958, are: John Rigby, of Brisbane; Albert Tucker, a Melbourne -born painter now living in England; Ivatia Vrana, of Czechoslovakia; and Phyl Waterhouse, of Melbourne. John Rigby was awarded the £1000 prize for the best portrait with his picture entitled "Margaret," and Albert Tucker the £1000 prize for the best subject picture with his entry called "Australian Gothic." TVANA VRANA won 1 the £250 prize for the best portrait submitted by a woman with her paint - Mc!' of "The Girl With the o.1.1 Ilan, and Phyl W a ct liou.m. the 1;250 prize for the best subject picture by a woman with "Marketing Group." Exhibition opening DAME NINETTE DE VA1.OIS. director o/ the Rovitt Covent Garden. who will our Art Prize Exhibition in Nytiney. Page 12 Thirty-five paintings have been selected to hang in our travelling exhibition of entries in the 1958 international Art Prize. AFURTHER 62 will be hung in Sydney only. Both exhibitions will be opened at the Art Gallery of New South Wales in Sydney by Dame Ninette de Valois, director of the Royal Ballet. Covent Garden, at 3.15 p.m. on Vednesday. September 17. The paintings will be on V11, tit tit 0110ber 19, to exhibition still Men tour all Australian capital including Canberra. In SY(1111.V, the Art Gallery Will be 0111'11 1111111 Ortober I 171.111 111 3.111 111 .1.3(1 11.111, Mondays to Sat - and Ilion 2 pan iii 4.40 p.m on Sundays. I tom (hmibet I the Gallery will retnain pin a turthet half hour until 5 p.m. on weekdays and Sun - The six judges - the direc- tors of the State art galleries of Australia - were unani- mous in each of the four awards. John Rigby. who won the Lime Ahel.nri ti,elhne scholarship to halt in 1955, is back in Brisbane with his family. Now in his thirties, he studied art at the East Sydney Technical College as a re- turned serviceman under the Commonwealth Reconstruc- tion Training Scheme. He was among the 10 finalists in our 1957 art com- petition. The judges this year selected only two artists as finalists in the portrait section. The other was Frank Hodgkinson, of Sydney, who entered a por- trait of his daughter, Kate. Earlier this sear Mr. Iludg- kinson won the Ilelena Rubin- stein Tra.elling Scholarship. Finalists Albert Tiicket, who has been living abroad hit some years, was born in Melbourne in 1911 Ile w .s ptesidetit of th. 1.iontrinporary Art Societv of Australia from 1911 to 1917, and was artist correspondent attached to ilic Australian occupation forces in Japan in 1947. Since leaving for Europe in 1948, he has held one - man exhibitions in Amsterdam, Paris, Rome, and London. Mr. Tucker was also among the finalists last year. 1 lin :11k. ,1.1., Lk .11,11.1 el Art we, ,11. nib Syt111,, i 1, of Victoria, and Jon Molvig, of Brisbane. Ivana Vrana is the second Czechoslovakian woman to win a prize in our art com- petition. Last year, Vilma Kotrbova- Vrbova, of Prague, was awarded the prize for the best portrait submitted be a woman. She entered again this year, but was not among the finalists. Miss Vrana, who had an entry hung in the supplemen- tary exhibition of the 1957 Portrait Price in Sydney last year, wrote to tell is bow glad she sva, t., C rr h,, exhibited. Apprt to it ['amen - lads a a,,,,nnm 01 Ins t. among the soitri..!ei 10 mien of painters,- shc setote "I have only been tht,ntedi th. t, 1(1,, ,f I , short i1i n, . on IV, -Will a...wed thy, i tit% interested in the life of your country." The only other w.imau finalist in the portrait section of the competition was Mary Brady, of Sydney, who entered a painting of her mother. Phyl W poi hooter einnrr Ala 1.11c SUB. ject painting set tion, trained C:111ery Art School in Melbourne. She has entered the com- petition since its inception in 1955. Miss Waterhouse, who was the only woman finalist in the subject section, won the Henry Casselli - Richards Memorial Prize, worth 108 guineas, in Brisbane in 1956. A member of the Victorian Artists' Society, she has ex- hibited regularly in Melbourne and other cities, and has works in the collection of the National Gallery of Victoria Judging cut seat, art prin.. the Milo.. ;hat, tr, ,1111 hod eX- , the tm1,111.,,s has been very Became of this %se have selected only. for t h.- teaselling