Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

'HE LIVED BY PAINTING A pointing by Austrs- ha's first important pro- fessional pointer, Conrad Martens, Is now on dis- play in The Courier-Mail Art Panel. It is a romantic view of Sydney Harbour from Darl- ing Point In 1847. Martens was born in Lon- don and studied under Copely Fielding. He visited South America and Tahiti, He reached Australia In 1835, and gave lessons in drawing and painting be- fore he was appointed Par- liamentary librarian In 1863. He died in 1878, aged 77. The painting was lent to The Courier -Mail by the trustees of the Queensland National Art Gallery. it was pregbdted to the gallery by the trustees of the Sir John and Lady Chandler Citizens' Appreciation Fund. Swissborn Artist Wins Richards Prize BRISBANE, Wednesday.- A 60 -year -old Zurich -born artist, Mr. Sall Hermann, of Sydney, has been aWarded the annual prize. Richards memorial of 100 guineas. His painting, Flat Tops, Central Australia, was awarded the prize bV, the nine Queensland National Art Gallery trustees today. Mr. HerMann, whamsudied in Zurich, Paris, d Mel- bourne, came to Australia from SWitzerland in 1936. Ills landscapes are well mown and he has won any art contests, including the Sitiman Prize in 1046 and 1948. Bendigo Prize in 1947 and 1948 and Geelong Prize in 1948 Sydney Artist Wins Prize BRISBANE. -- Zurich - born artist Sail Hermann, al Sydney. has been awarded the Richards Mein+rial Prize by the Q: National Art Galleryueen trust48nd- ees, "! v 1969 "TELEGRAPH" Sydney, N.S.W £105 art prize BRISBANE, Wed. - A Sydney artist has won the yearly H. C. Richards memorial prize worth -L105 He is Mr. Sall Hermann. 60. Nine Queensland ational Art Gallery trus- tees awarded Mr. Hermann the prize for his painting of fiat -topped hills in Central Australia. ZURICH -BORN Mr. Sall Hermann, 60, of Sydney, has won the annual H. C. Richards Memorial prize of 100 guineas -- with this picture of Flat Tops, Central Australia. Mr. Hermann, who has studied in Zurich, Paris, and Melbourne, came to Australia from Switzerland in 11)36. He was awarded the prize by the nine Qtreensland National Art Gallery trustees. file landscapes are well- known and he has won many art contests, includ- ing the Sidman Prize in 1946 and 1948. Bendigo Prize in 1947 and 1948, and Geelong Prize in 1948. Director or the Art Gal- lery (Mr. Robert Haines) said yesterday that the record 63 entries were of a higher standard than in previous years. This was the sixth year of the con- test. He added that about 40 selected entries would be shown at the gallery from November 11 to 28. Landscapes on view 11) DR. GERTRUDE LANGER FORTY selected entries from tile 1958 H. Caselli Richards landscape competition are now on view al the National Gallery. They show a variety of ex- Oriel" has its almost Eastern deep-glowing colours and ex- pressions, ranging from :.nbileiI somewhat Impaired 'pressive handling of shape naturalism to various II., background %Pi y relations. Margaret 011ey manners and degrees of stud hHik 'Mere ing trartsfnrms "Our Gallery" abstraction from reality. .t, s in John Dalton into an apparition which has wills commenclabi, work fn :,n,i II M. \Veil: ter. certain Duly-like magic. be round in each section. Clotrehec, virdeous 'The WHIning "Fki! 'tops a1.1; 1'111)111,11w 11,111(111:11: of C. Mist. r2 Sidi Her- Hi Iii ;111(i ,,,:,.,1r :-1,11l'sfl wRaekahrli,sttsiicipi.effect. man. :Mows no out,tanciine. mum In -K014101'0,1,4 he,chieriec reality by incro .i t.nnared wi11 t'1) :;t innal use of root, manlier ,,f w her pro I! N1,. photille,i111)N J1111,11011" warm colour certami the nio.d when VII.WPri Arimm st ,h.th realistic the plait', but the pie, ilisiattee,, Mildred lows chart,: Hash's rimteal eeto I. into Mg blebs, and Moss. Tam - John m111,, %hitt. pimp, lands out. while A. creek- iI c'hureher's !loud itilitienee fiend and pity! vater- 11111)1t.,,,, II I iii lard it 1e0191(1' Nholl'S In (Ina- hnWsw also mutle character- NIlIII"II' 'I Iltt 11..11, nlivnegtis 's .. %'It It ii,(y7.1001, uUr t toned are some whose con- 1111.!it ions are an Improve- ment on them, of last year. , 1 t' V'q ' r.' .