Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

"COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Qld. LETTERS T 'THE EDITOR Art Gallery shows degrading influence VIKIVED the art competition at the Brisbane Art Gallery, and I was impressed at the obvious degrading influence of European lines of thought being enforced Oil litany Australian artists, firstly by art critics, and second iv by EUPOIWilil teachers. 1,1. no means find fault 11111.a lerdhe lodges ;mat -time the prize thin tee: with the helve winners, , ,t'o.o i1111,Ft VS 111. Their I ti Chi! CA are good. wnh these c,:111,,q :1 11111 1 'IOW,: I Ile 1 II's,. prize tvttild not 11..vt gone to the met tire I RJII It Intl tor th, made Mai your critic put on I..st V.,' ,111.11 she r110111(.(1 the It1,141, Wvi WroluZ and lti 1,114C 5110111(1 have cony to 11,0 present This :nay or may not 11,1vf, COFFEE and biscuits were served at the National Art Gallery break-up party, held after a film evening at the Gallery dur- ing the week. Among from leo) Miss Roslyn Rhodes, of Ascot, Mr. Russell Cuppaidge, of Hamilton, Mrs. R. D. Caddo, of New Farm, and Mrs. Harold Nettheim, of Ascot. . the ab-cia youtat A.,'..1 - Ilan 111111., pat ti those traluctl at the Techni- cal College, The Itiellards C' nnpoution Is for Atixtrt.lian land tt:t. tooth Id tiralton but ov viewing thy display we fin! about oily third titial.fv. balance are ineaningle.s. and should have uo 11111(.1, on the walls It Is these competitit, Which dishearten the young artists, and either turn theut away from thein or. worse still, in painting in the awful style they see exhibited oil the walls of our Oalicry. What could they 11111111 111(11 1111'y ,we these daubs getting the blessing of t resoomible for the htingn'tz of the pictures? tt,t,:to hi young arti-ts Niter for art romp, - Maws, as at Present cohsti- tilted, for it 111111' II., !loan - 111,al< for you or the 1'1On:it loll of your own Au,' ration ,it le of paint - Gizeli Street. Entiggera. Itris- bane. "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Qld. "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Qld. Shaw one of his subjects 1'1%0 works to an Aus- tralian arti.t whii has painted portraits of many notable people, in - Canting Bernard thaw, are being exhibited on vit courier -mail rt panel. He Is Viaetorian-born Ctdin Colaltati, a pupil of :Max The two paintings on display are a portrait of Vance Painter and a land - 1,43 pc, "Market In Prov- ence." Roth have been lent by the trustees of the Queensland National Art Gallery. "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Qld. Australian artist defends influence AWELL-KNOWN Australian contemporary artist yesterday denied that "European lines of thought" were a degrading influence on Australian artists. lie is Mr. .101m Rigby, 'of Brisbane, who wits re- plying to criticism from a Courier-Mail corres- pondent, Sydney Victor, of Enoggera. Australian artists, firstly by critics, and secondly be European teachers." he said. Mr. Rigby. who recently won a E1000 Australian art competition, and in 1056 won the Italian Government painting prize. said: "I feet that what this cor- respondent i, worried about The correspondent, in a is his Inability to understand letter to the Editor, said he that the abstract basis of an had viewed entries in the artist', work is what raises H. Ctieelli Richards art corn- It above a mere initiation of petition at the Queensland nature. National Art Caller:Y. "The grralest pO in tint:. has "I was impressed at the been done. and it -till being obvious degrading influencel done. oVer,liS. We must of European lines of thought lodge our own work by the being enforced on many best that is produced."