Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

NO LESSONS ... SHE'S OUR GRANDMA MOSES NO MODERN ART for Mrs. Helen Gilling, 57, of Albion Heights, shown working on one of her paintings yesterday. She specialises in still life paintings which she feels people can "understand.' Did something about "rotten modern art", Mrs. Helen l'etrie Street, All Heights. is 87, } and she thinks that modern art is "rotten." So she (WSW i let it rest there, ably vivid still-life stud- whom Grandma Moses Is She herself paints- lea. the hest known. paintings which she From ! ,-day, a seler- "Their pain Hon of five of her paint- of I naivety humbly thinks people ings will he exhibited Mr k of ess on t nsci- can "understand." two weeks In The Cour- ler-Mail Art Panel, the artist. appea eir of very sincerity." ' And although she has never had a lesson and is Mr. Robert Haines, the [Grandma An an at an age when most director of the Queens- Moses is a 98-y -old people might reasonably land National Art Gal- .tmerican whobegan be expected to lack a leis, said yesterday: painting when she was "fresh eye," Mrs. (tilling "Mrs. Gilling belongs to /R. Her pictures have produces some remark- a group of artists of since been sold around --- - - - Vs_ '(the world and have been r used on millions of. Christmas cards.1 Mrs. (tilling was horn in Hobart in 1871. She lived in many places, came to Brisbane to settle 2:1 years ago, and began painting within the last ' to years. "I just had the feeling to paint and so I painted." she said. "How to mix colours and things like that just came to me ..." Death Of Australian Painter SYDNEY, Di cembec 10 John Nlaeplier,(10 Moore, lie eliiinieil as 4,111' III. II, tralia's most vital and pro- gressive painters, Wed yes- terday, aged 70 He also had ti high Feit- tattoil as an ar linnet Ile Is represented in the SA National Gallery and in the national galleriet of Victoria, NSW and Queens - One of his paintings is in the Victoria and her( 31usetun, I. Ion. Probably his best 'kith, work is it patthittp. 4,i St (1. Hey Barber, Ila idled I11111 home In Vaneluse. Mr. Moore was e - president of the Sot tety of Artists tor many yea:, and was also on the Blake art prize vonimil tee. Ile studied under Art hiir Chapple an Julfoundat a ia A,I1- and was a ai member ot the Royal Au- Italian Institute of Arrhl- ts. III' was also n Fellow of the Royal Institute of Bri- 11,1,. Are hitects. Hu IV he 'nu' he wits DIrect0r it ART JUDGES Jodees for Iii Q::: : lane Cl Iltr11.11 e-010 era:Ingle:. 11 v,(11 II t Notu,..1 Ai; OrganIcer of the Qierns- land Centenary I'm° Art 1 rompetition 'Mr. C. Van Honirigh) YeaterdaY an- nounced the competition Judges. The judges will be Queens- land artist, Vida Lahey, Queensland National Art Gallery Director 'Mr. Robert Haines:, and South Austra- lian .Art Gallery Director :Mr. Robert Campbell). The competition is being Cponsored by the Queensland entenary Eisteddfod Com- mittee by arrangement with the State Government's Cen- tenary Celebrations Commit- tee. A prize of f300 Is bring offered for an oll painting of a prominent Queenslan- der and £200 la being of-' feted for a landscape in oils or watercolour. . Q[iFENSIANg G'ENTENAR? CELEBt,TIONS 311403H9111011iPSISIIAittS HOPHAl Ill! Stil THE PREMIER (Mr. Nieglin I shows of I Queens - land's winning Centenary Year poster design by a vicrom.s, Mr. K. R. Lay, of Ivanhne, Vir. Mr. Lay's f200 first prier The winning posters would is annnunred last night. he reproduced for diaplay ItItISKANE commercial , In Britain and the United artist. Miss Roar Cox, of States. Entriea would he ilia - Kelvin Wove, won the Eton second prize anti played In Brisbane as soon two other Queensland as posaihie. women artists were highly The prize list la:- :All three r.2011; K. It. Lay. C"IitrndIleid r h: I h if leh;iluiffleu'r. Ivanhoe. Vittoria. Second, ma for prtte-winner, live Elan: Mlas Muse Cos, In southern States Eureka Street. Kelvin Grove. Itriahatte. Third. 611 IEN'I'llIES na: Shared by Tonv Results of the contest, voetio, Paddington, mainly for professionals. Salines.. and Alexander were announced by the Still. Hawthorne. Victoria, i(te'ornimi Mitrt C. eeexy: commended: rrullvr Mrs. Kathleen Shillarn. 4111,00lurtnesswillreet,anfdtrightiort.t: Th'111.rh.eNT.171l'ilYerson said that more than fill entries. from Aurfrry Tebbir. rrtwod all Stale,. were reffIt'fil. Street, iledeliffe, (biretta- haitii.riges were: Ur. Hob- ert Haines QIIrell%liltlfl National Gallery direc- tor,: Mr. f'. G. Whit Itentral Technical ('allege Arl Departmentl: Mr. Ian Gall !The Courier -Mails. Mr. John Tyntiln iflut - door Advertising Associa - Gun of Australia), and 'ks Vida Ealtry.