Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

RAPH" Brisbane' Oa. British help fog Centenary Britain would make a valuable contribution to Queensland's Centen ary Year exhibitions, the Unitec Kingdom Information Services Direc .4-- tor, Mr. Condon, said in Brisbane today. The Ill st Ill lll.h con-;,enacv alio ion would riidcli tirtsblun on ,lnnu:,ry 1. Mr Condon -oil is- said 10,1),(1 131'01,11 mania, II WOIIIII Ile .111 PXalllllle, IIwot',. with Itoddrit's inorl.rn Brit t would con rut ii. ' ' !ramie io tills tosniay It 0.. -itiown be one 1:112csi British trade ax - la. la dery 11,16.t, titbit nnls staaed In An,- . it li tortilla Itallorilla lrallu 1,1 II 1..1.11, st.totild .1 RP Set - reach ItriStialtr art 'liars I. I:10.000 worth III (loco All Condon said a itteittary tains to extend , ,.x. the Bri:, inc flint library ,t oul(1 be shown 11 ; t 11tieett,la UM 'Mr ' Condonstay 1. Will live cloys in BrINIFaiie £10,000 display He will drwliss ill at Exhibition Wtlll it, live flee!' (' Ile F3I 11.11 tiocerninciit also would Today he mei 111 - spend about t 10.000 on a cation Ntiinsiii ,1I display at the Royal PIZZO' and I In' Lird National AstNotlat.1( II ('oll- 1 'Or Aid_. Gloom R Brisbane, 611d. 1; liett(te-Iike art, gallery suggested (. AN open arcade -I 'Ite art gallery should he set lip in lite city, apart from the new Celt - !emir, gallery In he huill in the Botanic Gar- I, dens this year, a trustee of the Queensland National .1rI (:alloy said yesterday. Hr is tar. N"rni"" Mil,' ,:I. the SPhiln, \VIVI nay slip:tieing people Bch, 0 a id. - at hit n pen n ^ an it., :, ;t hihi1 ennt om ()nen ry 111051 hat a Inca! (me. oo" painted erfrigr.ra I in in a its urban sari ,ni ii ii Valley (kw rt merit si 01'5. to see': -;ample, of (Ow Pt,. - Land art but not tr- ite said interests in art t hall It should extend beyond ',1 a down In ultikr normal lie works :,i1,11 rile "If nil'COlint hr- 1 rttsinilla ' 11 It'll enter in"le art rrnurtrn is nth ac v Icu1 boon sh.nru la He said e heti. a plat' of v are; ss. an PTI.:1(1,` whtup overyot you! see ill nLs I ,1 11.1,11 need to I.. a 10,, runt 0 rind lion: areat ail, Dr. Bella I liar It,. "SUN" Melbourne, Vic. Art search "SUN -HERALD" Sydney, N.S.W. Banned, bought A I Ill I mid !hi 1,iii ' . . As 'wk.,' iii . lattl Sydney and kid- hoin in: lit galleries dui:line to hang .1 Nantat lira painting. though the altoi igina I a; i is! it 1-L1)H:seined in the Adelaide. isltane Perth collculions. !lilt oft: ikt, Oddly eltilliiislitte Slew'. - ( hau ut.in. F.41$tar Feet:n..11, el ,he (Jun111,1.10,1 Nalioiiol Ai WI I Si N1111:111,1,1 Lug' 0.1i0tuu! of lilt ill Alactlotinell Itinves - - and would ten 01111h like to Hit IAe Noillantia as .1. de ,nest - on Ili, Ainslie mein. So f.ti .14 Sit' ale tont ed. lie is .1 noinlei lolly in Ins 1...11 tight. ltiiroor. rie WesibruhL. of Naomi.] - Albeit paintings, ;ate jiist good c1101101. Ile has been latir.111 WI:stein leclinitnir, and has only attained a siantlant which pins hint alonpsitle dwells of 111111or watt., .colonrists Minty Anslialiiins feel guilty dhoti! An- , trines. and they to, to make no foi it by fanny over then iseltes hying to pretend t hal Natal:inn:1 is a ghat at. !le is not.