Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

1101in 141 au iivaAzui ue aanoi ,40,fia Ju .91 Ind aq una vtunsimr3 COLO COAST buffer luncheon (above) creates a holiday mond. Mrs. Arthur Wade uses split bamboo blinds to corer the table. and tropical plants as n background for the menu. which includes a bowl of mad crabs and sand crabs, salad, fruit, mint tea, and cool drinks. Tutu ALMTTIALIAN , '2 vt 1\14111 E sETTING (right) 1,1 Viiss Cecilia Be,Nall, features Ibtlrentary napkins on an 18th -century Pembroke table. Other Ifith-century pieces are the Dresden candelabrum and solid silrer cutlery. Plates are ear ly English ironstone. .411111' 41 From " WOMEN'S WEEKLY," Li e 14/ F OBIS IlEIRI.00B crystal in this magnificent Jetting sh., Vu'.,. 1lother when she tells the guest of the $1 ts, ' " , stead . !!!!! Iota. Queettshool. au. I. tints 'rill. .411111 011 du, Royal table were the Bohemian glass flat bowl and silver candelabra. which hare been in the lien lama, Jar 200 years. Blending well with these heirlooms are the modern air twist champagne glasses and turquoise mats with white seagulls in flight made hr the Mines Bell's niece. Miss Diana Bell.