Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

Eat. 1904 Phone MU 5133 Alb Australian Press Cuttings Sta!bridge Chambers, 113 Little Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria. From "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane. Old. Why those louvres? "OMrthe of shockedthingsn o - From when I came to Bris- bane was the free use of arctic glass in the homes." the Director of the National- Art- Gallery, Mr. Robert Haines, said yes- terday. There are beautiful views all around Bris- bane, but they are shut off by this glass," Mr. Haines was lectur- ing on "Art in the Home" to the Art Coterie of the Brisbane's Women's Club. Lattice and louvres were difficult to clean, and he would like to see them replaced with clear glass and draw -curbing:, by which the amount of light entering could be easily controlled. d p xi Front "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Qh Freaxh art L-! will come o Brisbane The largest exhibition of French paintings ever to come to Australia will arrive early neat ytor by arrangement with the French Government. The Queensland National rt Gallery Director (Mr. ober!, Haines) said this last ight after his return from he Directors of State Gal- leries' Conference held in Adejaide on July 10-11. "Brisbane will see the collection early next year." Mr. Haines said. "There will be 15e paint' cs. It will arouse more comment than an ;his that has come to Australia." For gaps here Mr. Haines added that he had also chosen a few Aus- tralian paintings which would fill the gaps in the Queensland gallery. He Selected paintings for a small loan exhibition of contemporary English paint- ings from Melbourne and Sydney to he a special attraction at the Queens- land Gallery during Show Week. The exhibition of 18 paintings will open on August I for one month. On art panel ! New paintings arc on The courier -Mail art panel. Tliev are the work of the Half Dozen Group of Ar- tists. They are: - "Country Store,' by Nutter Buzacott, lent by Mr. H. Vinnicombe: "Stormy Afternoon, Caloun- dra," by C. G. Bennett, lent bY Mrs. E. Bennett; "Benched. Cleveland.' by IVilsan Cooper, lent by Wil- ion Cooper: "Regent's Canal, London," by J. Noel Rilgour, lent by Mrs. Andrew Pedersen. Est, 1904 Piton, MU 5133 Australian Press Cuttings Stalbridge Chambto 143 Little Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, From "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Old. Speaking for women We do not always love the highest CUIDED by Oue-w ho -knows ( and this is not 'writ so rcastic' ) a group of men and %%lone ti 4 earlier this week were looking at pictures in the I National Art Gallery. Afterwards rt few of us took up an evergreen srgu- memorise passages of 40 t met t. Do people always love lines or so. the Highest when they see it? If an audience got a pro - Can we be left to accept the action of one of these 1 message of a pict ure or :heatrically splendid plays, should we be guided oway and in the course of it got from the mediocre and to. also superb passages of lyric words what is true and poetry, philosophy, wisdom, beatelful? and history they were get - One woman thought pis- tine their money's worth smut! influence In siren mat- ters was a disadvantage. Those who admired and re- spected any one person might make no attempt to clarify their own Impres- sion, but would Just accept the Judgment of another in whose knowledge sod experi- ence they had complete con- fidence. The eagerness with which women attend classes on ap- preciation of music. art, and literature, leads me to con - elude that we do not natur- ally appreciate the highest when we see it. Aware of this, we seek the help of others to help us from our own standards of beauty and mod taste. ,/// From Est. 1904 Est. 1904 Phone MU 5133 Australian Press Cuttings Stalbridge Chambers, 443 Little Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria. From "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Old. "BETTER DRESSED THAN HER HOUSE" BRISBANE women often dress themselves more sensibly than they dress their houses, accord- ing to National Gallery Director (Mr. Robert Haines). Last night he told about 100 women and about six men at an Adult Education lecture:- "People often overdress their houses in the wrong colours and fabrics. "Many Brisbane homes have good wooden floors, which are often covered with what I think arc horrible carpets. "A good hardwood Hoot can be waxed and polished. Or a floor can be painted, kalsomined, and then waxed. "With so many little anti Phone MU 5133 Australian Press Cuttings Stalbridge Chambers, 443 Little Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria. "TELEGRAPH" Brisbane, Old. "4.5 Artists show skill Budding artists c'. toe into their own at the ('its 111,l1111 supper roam today when the sections devoted to tart in the City of Itri,- 11:11111. 1./S1ClidiOd began. 'rite director of the Art Gallery i Mr. Rubio, Slimes ,ycielied over the ./,11'.1/1- of seven to 12.v..ir,-.1,1, they composed Me Ili,. of 1110 Paten H,,il dio,(1,1 by thou' Jim mit !illation; ill 1. 1,11.111' !II 1,11,'" day. iixerriso.1 ;1 low, in tokiilo;litir in clay it pi r i rmt. Tie. section., 'cult ;led WU, Oral orb Mail and men's (Therm lc aria -a ere only Pau - Italic, completed on Satord iy. e.'ompetitairs win hire .1 [Wel red in rho,e thy N't II 1/, 110.11,1 11,X1. SI/1114'1y (,,(1. ,(1 ',yin b., !mid.. '1wu (. inio.ts ft.(, gild 11.1.1.' ,1 I/1,1. 1,111,1,111., of 1,111 it ,1l,1'11,..1 1,11' 1.0111,1111 li' I/1.01,1 111,',./.1/1 viii the I, /..1,111/01ie1's 1141111.,/ . C,/t1/111.1,1II, ,i1 111, Pill tot the best perloritianee of sty unpub- ledied work by a inettiher of the local Comprmet,' Prestnnahly, too the quality of the composition itmer will be taken into consider -iron. The first 10 competitors lute will he lioatcl iu Hie 111.1111 einteorio eottlest. w111,'11 rtrtod 22 entries The ictl- cnce of OW VA tits will be heard In Fu ida y Melt _____ "COURIER MAIL" P lArt Brisbane, ()Id. AS Director of the - National Art Gallery, Mr. Robert Haines is helping through club lectures and gallery talks to stimulate interest in art as applied to the home. In the sphere of art appreciation. Dr. Ger- trude Langer has for some years worked val- ontly to istance brid which ge the g ap d iso- lates Australia from the centres of modern art For her series of weekly lectures, which begin on May 1, Dr. Langer plans to deal with history and appre- ciation of the art of the 19th and 20th centuries. From her comprehensive collection of coloured re- productions of master- pieces, she will Illustrate these lectures. Her aim, as she expresses it, is that this special course will contribute to a fuller understanding of the times in which we live. IkitAmixastfi-eot nulls that creep and crawl. don't like the idea of car- pet:;. Anyway, I think wooden floors ;ire inueri cooler. Cooler colours "Cooler colours arc i-ireys. greens, and blues. Warmer colours are reds, yellows, and browns. "Most people, including house painters, think gray Is a mixture of black and white. That is a terrible colour. "A beautiful soft gray can be made by mixing white, red, and green-more red for warmth, green for coolnesa. Yellow will make it livelier. "Chairs with cane in the backs, sides, and bottom are cool. But they can be (node cosy in winter by add- ing loose cushions, "Velvets and heavy fab- rics are no good in Queens - land's climate. "Glazed chintz is a parti- cularly good material for the seaside." Turned away Mr, Haines' weekly lec- tures on home decoration are the most popular in the Adult Education pro- gramme. With 150 en- rolled officially in the current class, people are turned away almost every Monday night. There arc 150 on the waiting list for next term,