Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

"COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Ald. 4 the (ALE. iCominanderl Orderrc,tii in'thi, thiss,1,11reit Em- list to it Art Library from Ilse pleat ulsoss Ca cn.egie Corporation in The State 11:, iUnwh Me Officer of the Most Excel-1,13Nret',',Ittte,j:k tar the City al' o! the Smith, received I com the Empire:- Gov. 'root , (list y Abel 1 nt Order of the British smit .4 Artists, Sydney' ri-a SIT111111'y Stair for C010- Mrs. Morality Crouch. Furor Vier -P monwealth !Mations (Nail long and outstanclinit (1;,,r Art DOSanci Art I i. Is dent in the Soviet Y. I bile Metn-' of lime I, is:a services to the 1".11 socipt v Miss Mayo has won Knight Commander of the CDs, Society and other cit,tttitt.tiottit.1,(,. =imam, Most Excellent Order of the charities. Member of ono her Inns) British Empire: land Division. Aust rodent nromin-t Albert Edwin Axon, M. F.. Red Cross Society, since 1915. the .),,t I WOrkS in sculpture are' for his services to Nitwit- Chan man of Junior Red Item, (thy mitt lite mit lion IIIId COMIllerCe, Chancel- cro, from 1946. Organised 'tor of the University in Flower Show saint- Memorial in Anzac Square,: Queensland. After tiall'i(T :WY since 1947, resulting in with the A,I.F. in World War approximately £20,000 for.N,s. KFIlniisf.131,11u.S'egtiii:ill. Pacti:Iratgetal tt(a'f, I graduated Bachelor of 10(1 Cross funds. Recently. aineering with first class awarded honorary life men - DOCTOR TO WES )honours at the University (4 unship of Australian Red neering 1929. Member the , shire 1935; appointed Chun- ra- Senate of the University s nsek of the Most Ex- 1916, Awarded Honors' content Order of the British.Life Membership of Sur cellor in August, 1957. Salted outstanding public service. Lifesaving Association 0 during World War Administrator. Territories of Or. Joseph Andrew Arratta, Australia in 1939. Is the the rank of Colonel. Member ,' aim . New Guinea,, St .B., for services to oldest active Examiner, it of the firm A. E. Axon and 1945-1952. Form eriV lecturer medicine ill Western Queens- point of age and years o service, associated with th Surf 1.ifcsaVing Assoclatio of Australia. Connected wit, ambishince work in Queens land .slice 1904. Coolangatt representative on Stilt Executive, Queensland Am bulance Transport Bilged for the last 23 years, Ad mil led as a serving Brothe in the Most Venerable Orde of the Hospital of St. Joh of Jerusalem in 1955. ASso elated with several pnbli and charitable organisation. Active In local governmen ill Coolangutt a for nisi years. John Hobert Dewar For long and merit:orlon service in the interests o less privileged ex -service men. A member of lh R.S.S.Al.L.A. to- more Man 30 years. Mr. Howard wa, honoratry secretary of th Goodna sub -branch C011- I inuously from 1934 to 194 and again from 1947 to 1950 and from 1955 to 1957 until et:intoned to retire owing to III health. Is still an active worker 'tor the sub -branch He was the originator an the driving force behind the movement for providing as- sistance and welfare to sic ex -servicemen In the Bris bane Mental Hospital all. the Wacol ftepatriatioi ship in organising relief sot vIng and ambulance work. Pavillon. His activities tits ASSOCIfili011 was prim-must:mires during a very Actively connected with surf this connection have been atilt' responsible for orga nis- Jeri! leal ierio I es viii activities since continuous since 1933. C. F. Shilleys Fertilizers Ltd Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the Brit- ish Empire:- Charles Augustus Edwards. For entliuslaStic community services. President, Queens- taint Lawn Tennis Association sauce 1952. Councillor, Royal National Agricultural and Industrial Association of Queensland. Member. Bris- bane and South Coast Hos- pitals Board. Pharmaceuti- cal chemist. As president of the Querm land Lawn Ten - Associates, Consulting Engi- in , baVieslologY and dairy veers. Chairman in Directors Msn11010eS', Hawkesbury Queensland Cement and Anricoltural College, NeW Lltne Co. Ltd., and a"1"1,11, Wales, Pl'Ille11301, director of several other Queei isitt lid Agricultural companies (sill, ge 1923-1945 Professor Companion of the Most ul A ern. till tire, University Mingo hove been changed by Distinguished Order of Saint Queensland, 1927-1945. Mein- the establishment of a very Michael and Saint George: tier. Federal I ht iry Invest iga-;',,l!:,drillt."1;t1;t 1,',1.tslolltatnii!! 12fIrlaatt Edward 'Punt Stanley [Ion Cutnnill .t.ve . 19:30. Fellow. l Pearce, B.A., it Cont., for hi., Australian National Re- ":"S chatty responsible. Be- the ,t.art,h council, president,, sides his isnitribution to the sugar industry of Queens- RoVal siwict y of Queensland, medical needs of the district, land. General secretary, Ails- 15311. Lt.-Col.NJ, 25th he is a public spirited MU- trallan Sugar Prialticirs As- ,Darling Downs; Hall anon.' rn I" every sells(' of the mviutiOn, since 1945. Served A M.F.. 1940. (;.5.0. 2 "I'M. with Australian imperial TmillMg Northern Com-I Bence Collins Carter. For Forces, 1940-1045. Member, :td. Colons:1 cortimandingleam m imms public service In Royal Commission on Susa: m A.I.F. ipt,itti Depots,, the Interest, of the people Industry. 1950. Director. Northern Command. Chief of the north-west of Queens- Sugar Research Limited and Instructor, school lit Civil land. A prominent grazier Attains. Duntrooti. Member,,,il," t.he. ft, ic,1111:ul district, Mr. Semite -Of thrilitiversity of `"ahei nu' alienof Its " Queensland. and talents in promo! ing Dr. Peter Itoyla :'the interests of the people in nce DrIa- 1 ha t. urea. Ms principal motile. M.B. For outslalluing activities have been in the public services to the Town steal government field. of Bowen, North Qua VIINItIlld. WilPre. 'as chairman of the Medical pract it toner at Richmond Shire Council for Bowen for many year:. !India lengthy period, Ills leader - Mayor for a lengthy perioci.lsiiip and PXample hove been Has taken a great interest in an inspiration. civic affairs generally, Diir-: Mg the disastrous cyclom at, Lifesaver Bowen early In. 1958, Dr. Delarnnthe displayed oat -1 Samuel IVIIIIiim Winders. standing qualities of leader- Fur services to life Sugar leaders honours TIV0 prominent ()iteensliinders in the sugar industry hare also been ! honoured by the Queen. Member of the Most Ex - fol m ,, Wade s.,,, hamt pat_ '- - ity,1,14:11,1,:ortier of the Hellish pu,( ,,,,,,,,,li,i,, Ina the Doll' Con Sugar Pluton...is- A... issaition 1,',...ng,,er,..°,u,;b1dh;',,kir,mat Firisbnin' hiss Constance 31aekness,, general :L4'11'01111' .Is, l' 19.1S, "' - '''' ""'''. '' e" - has been ii,t,11.(1(.r1 in, C.NI.G. Commamier of Ole Most lion. Wa, ['Malian Of Pres-1 B.A. For serinee, In educa .. r I COMPaillial of the Order of Excellent Order of the Brit cytcciaii Gir.1, col,icac, war_ St. Michaej and St. lieurget. kit Eninirei- wick, for it nevoid of 32 years In the Federal I. -I. Mt bariil 11:n1%1410 .levier, 1.'", fro111 Its 111.11)11mi in 19111 Beldam. pulley, oi s.,,,o :ei l il--, Ili the !Halal° I,- ;aid (lanai: Olaf time dill 1110.1)Hat.. C11110'1111111 01 I .1- ,111till. Callialilar tit Inc ,altMilti 11.1.1i 111 the trio Cane tinnvers' executive lot Queensland Mrrino Stud,,,( education Authoress ot more than '.:0 years. lia,silccohreericrs A .,,,...dimi scv,,ial nooks. bccu awarded the 0.1RE. sim. it, invention to 1934. Miss Lillian Itapime Mutsu (Officer of the Order of Ow and nteident for ,ter 13 F'or her contribution to art. British Empirel..- yea,. A i\ ell kittnx it breeder. Seiilptiiress and painter. .itig Hill,' too exhibitor. and judge of Co-founder of C-41tecte.latid 111r111111S, he 111:1S data' !Wail All Flilld for the purchase sit. uilacios (.:Sig Bills, towards the development of pictures for the Saw, Edwards, Queensland Lawn at the merino rAtut ill- As the result ol her Worts, 'tennis Association president dustrY 1 it Queensland. I hi, Queensland M1E4011111 ISiare 1952 and organising Hat' been a committee meat. Art Gallery received pie- liwain behind the 1058 Davis tier, aof l he Imugreaell Pa - noel valued "t 111000' ""-I Cop eli,ilmig, round in tOra I nil Agricultural also lily ..-.111.11e1 Hentlesl Brishare, has been Imorded'S°ru'ty (nr m""P mnsidernbl' it fin,") Sir also lw gesponstble for inn Mini", land. Has given 33 years of miLstanding service to the people of Multaborra and district as a doctor. The almost primitive conditions which operated some years "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, 611d. SOS front Museum THE; director of Queensland's National Museum (Mr. George Mack I has given n dis- turbing account of the state of the building that is supposed to shelter and preserve a price- less collection of material that helps Queenslanders to inform themselves about their State. Hi' says that it is just falling Apart, with termites in its roof and basement and with leaking walls. It is now an old building. One of the projects for start- ing the State's second century is to remove the art gallery from it to old Government House when the University makes available that accom- modation. But so far there has been nu centenary promise for the Museum. Yet it will be ex- pected to serve a quickened interest in the history of the State. "MAIL" Brisbane, Qld. Paris art on refrigerator A display of a new type of painted refrigerators will open In MeWhirter's Valley showrooms to -morrow after -I noon. The refrigerators, decor- ated with the work of Paris artists, will be auctioned later in aid of LegaCy. Dr. Norman Behan, a ueenstand will open hC display at 1 p.m.