Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

End of Art Prize II i. s.itlt ritt:£1.1 11 4111111111111P digit 'Ill, Au,tralinn W011111'11*,. wiiiili tut. liven livid fur Dit past f0111' 1+ill 111)1 111' 411111111111'11 Iii. 1 IN pre% HMS ye:11. All the art talleric> ,d Australia hay(' Qiven unipclition and 11.111' t\hihitium (11 tcd (11111c,, 11111 MAN Ihr Natilln.d I .tllrn (if tun,htiuns which art' intin eptable ti) The .imen's 1Vccid, and has eufilseil to Altos the il1 Ix' ill the GallriA in Mellnatene. heel, ui iiriisis in the past foul i-ms, 111.111, paintings has',' been sold to 1 title, lots who viessed the exhibitions. lender the roles .( the i-imipention the pnrewi1111Ic - lities become the pilytirls of .\iistraliall Cnn.ulirlan tl Press The 11,15 awiw the folios, ine pt'''' iltll111 L' Infant -vs: 1955: J. Carington Smith's "Arrangement in Green" and Judy Cassab's "Portrait of Judy Barraclough" to the Art Gallery of Neu South Wales. 1956: Charles 1/outney's "Dial" to the Tasmanian NIuseunt and Art Gallery. Judy Cassab's "Elaine Haman" to the Art Gallery' of Western Australia. 1957: "Eva with Drawing," by Vilma Kotrbova Vrbova, to the Queensland National Art Gallery. The other 1957 prizewinning portrait, "Helena Rubinstein."' by William Dollen, was sent on loan for five years to the National Gallery of South Australia. , THIS is a ho; -pace yet,: tot the Art. Gallery exhibitions 1,o been a, booked, wan a British Arts Connell °111.c Febtaittry 4. Director Robert Haines also will start ort,,ant,ity an tat museum. and in August the foundatlion stone 101' (ti' new vallerrailer('wilbe laid-perhaps by Princess Alex- .Natiotlal .1rt Gallery is still one of I he nii.st modern galleries in Ans- i tralia, according In a nian who should knovv. He .s Mi lloh. Camp- Epstein sculpt fi is the brit. (Iireeiisr of South envy rit NTT% ,thoo gallery SIP ralian Na ional Art to Ali Irani' wIni arrived In NI:. C:lintibell -aid the site ,extern( to tarkze f11r Ill, new uolleri' In the It :Ilia'. In :lir 1501.1 Crtiten- 13111:611, Gardens ,an, in- trc ismnifil by hail ill lira" rtnitibell. fist doe, 2-Day judging The (NTeen,TT,T,T 1010 tor etalv.een 11)51111. '.With Ihr now cillrrc the trotri 19111 Iii 1951. l'ell(IVan1(1 (ink 21,1w reo,nz- and leen onateol nised tin, all ayff 1.1:11 Ina 1 t,, tile most Pion 01 iffininunite life." he (''': \ ., ,:al with NI; r.nrinhell. Mr. Hanle', NIT Vida 1.ithet will in the Cenien- i ':'Intl to -day n sa al A 010" r hr 11r, rr.!r:o ' 1 es aretro he ;":": 111.1,a, .( 'h( ' '1 :11 n I 23 JAN "TELEGRAPH" Brisbane, Qld. 11 OCAl. iirikts are not keen ull .init Who their subjects aro fur the C. i..ry Year £300 portrait cot ition. closing rebrintrY 0. ' field includes John Rigby. jute% Betty Cameron, Mar- t.a..r.illey Lola McCausland But watch for portraits oi Siiprenn Court judge, a Brisbant. solicitor, S. nainr Annabelle Ran- kin anti Dr. J. V. Duhig. thei*T's a hard luck A N" story about this com- petition. One artist did a portrait of Art Gallery director. Robert Haines. '11.cii it turned out that Robert w ie. one of the judges, and the i,neclLiio tiiiip.e;011,n't eligible. But 1011 d along with the entries. No use wasting all that wu:k without someone seeing it £500 ART PRIZE NEXT WEEK The E500 Centeno(/ art competition will close on Monday, Fin lies ha VP cialle from Western Australia, South. Australia, and New South %Voles, including those (root sail Herman, George Law- rence, John Eldershaw, Henry Hawke. and (teoree Grey -Smith. The competition will be Judged n anti Priclat, ano l 'hursday d a public exhibi- tion of the entries will open al the Queensland Art Gallery on ,Mareh 4, at Wednesday. p.m. Another centenary feature this week will he the, Wornsn's World Day of, Prayer on Friday. F1GO. GALLERY PICTURES FOR BRISBANE I our Pahl Ines from Ihr '111 Gallery vollection will he shonn in 'Brisbane shortly, The 11:0111ings (tyre re- niie-tett ht the Queensland National .Irt (lallyrt In supplement an exhibition by French artist,. Those to be loaned are (641, In, Sisley, one In Nod- dle' and 61111 by P111 IS II? l'h.1V:1 11 IIPS. FOR VISITORS 11rmii,i Alt emu- Ino' cl.111,11 1.1:1 decided to :,k th.. Co. council to , ale haw II'' e.2!;010 on the nnuftar, tqaallloled 10111's of Tile e:y al pro,:ent official Mit sl.ti tit the eats are not' 01111001 DI'. P. slater said the remir,4 by 1110 Witi,mittirl Naimnal Ar! (in Gtr'. frit' In(' to di, of 00(111)11.` mrlicans P (1; Ihr n1,212 l (110,1(0 of oatni Ines. and Ihr eilltery Flinn ti he nee, n v.wors In Pendia:,